The Led Zeppelin Story

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The Led Zeppelin Story 2006

Passport Entertainment

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  • Categories: led zeplin


Mike Parker says:

Zeppelin, the best Blues, Jazz, Classic, ROCK band ever. THE best band of
all time, 

Big R says:

guy fucks around with a little 13 year old and its all good because he is a
rockstar. If it was anybody else he would be a molester. WTF is up with
the hypocracy?

CooManTunes says:

THUMBS DOWN FROM ME! Nobody has time to close a bunch of stupid links all
over the picture. Asshole.

musicsuxnowadays says:

only one comment on the fact that Page was with a 13 year old. That is a
little sick, dont cha think? 

johnnystaccata says:

The rock hoes are really annoying. They act like they are experts, but
they are only experts at laying on their back.

smithraymond09029 says:

Subtitles really distract. 

Ballstreetuk says:

No comments on Page’s relationship with a 13 year old!!! How has that been
included as just another tale of Rock and Roll excess! 13 years old. WTF!

hotratssamba says:

Lots of good interviews in this one. Worth watching especially if you ever
read all the biographies. Put a face and voice to the name. Thanks for

Kyle Stank says:

If the drummer didn’t get drunk like an immature kid, the band will still
be alive till this day. Imagine the songs they could of made if they were
still together right now. 

chopperbubba says:

If there’s any real lesson about Brit bands like Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd,
Queen and David Bowie is that the press are FUCKING IDIOTS!.

Tj Landry says:

The producers were to cheap to get rights for some zepplin songs. It kills
the whole thing

Timothy Atkins says:

I thought they asked Steve Mariott before anyone else?

whatsinmysink says:

Well first Jimmy Saville, Rolf Harries, Gary Glitter now Jimmy
Page……What I don’t understand is, if I know about it then why haven’t
the cops started knocking at his door?

Happyevs1 says:

Inverness castle was never bought by jimmy page lol it was Boleskine out at
foyers with the graveyard across the road (Alistair Crowley) owend the
house once upon a time but EVERYONE SINCE Presume Devil activity Pure class
how they presume will be their answer when they meat their maker

MasterTapes1960 says:

There’s Led Zeppelin & Pink Floyd enough said.

kennatiousc says:

they were probably the initial reason for bolted down hotel televisions

Mecko Bossi says:

Great documentary, but… not a single note from their music. Pity!!

Chezadelic 1 says:

NO EQUAL etched in rock history forever 

Rainbowrider JT says:

Nice to see that they got the Kennedy award! What I liked most about them
was the versatility of their songs, beats, and styles! They didn’t play the
same sounds or beats on every song like a lot of bands do today! I always
believed that a variety is one of the major reasons for success in a band
(besides good musicians and singers)

atourdeforce says:

Wait Jimmy was banging a 13yr ol? wtf how did they get away with that crap
back then. 

mark McDowell says:

FIRST THE BEATLES,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,THEN LED

borntoinspire says:

An Amazing Story of My Favorite Band of All Time – LED ZEPPELIN.
The Led Zeppelin Story

SEO4ever | Top List says:

The Led Zeppelin Story

Ping Pong says:

no way are they better than the Farktunes

Seth Gecko says:

Lot of good info, OMG!! If you cant afford to actually put THE MUSIC of the
artist in the goddamn doc,,,DONT MAKE IT!! I don’t know if this VH1 who
made this but the back ground music sucked! I couldn’t imagine making a doc
about Zeppelin and not include there music! WTF! ?? As for the whankers
crying about Zep not being metal…your morons. This was early metal and
one of the first bands refered to as metal by rock rags like Cream . So
shut up and learn the history of things that intrest you. 

Official DAME says:

Really interesting look at one of the heaviest, yet most dynamic bands from
the classic rock era. The four of them produced sounds that are sorely
missing from today’s popular music!
If you’re interested, check out DAME, a new blues-rock trio that channels
Zeppelin, The Doors, and Black Sabbath, with a modern twist. These guys are
serious musicians, and are bound to blow up soon. Take a
listen: /watch?v=B_oyvJ3d4JI 

Éric McComber says:

Nice documentary, but no Zep music in a doc about Zep? Uhmmmm…

Sima Zhao says:

annotations make me wanna stop watching tbh especially when they cover the
whole video lol

Jason Fisk says:


Stephen Prince says:

Great video with interesting information pertaining to the best rock group
ever – or, as one chap on the video said “The greatest folk-rock band” –
Peter, Paul and Mary on steroids!” Brilliant! The only thing that gets me
is that the video does not play one single Led Zeppelin track in the
background – what a waste.

Chad Curry says:

This bands music will always rule the radio for years to come!

Carl Patterson says:

worth watching……. Nice bits I did not know……

DjDz says:

these people are full of themselves

Ping Pong says:

I MEANT FartTones

Dogonalog indavines says:

the links SUCK as well

Lila Izagen says:

The Led Zeppelin Story :

Sentinel Eye says:

Led Zeppelin…best cover band ever! Dont know what im talking about do a
little research. Also look into the multiple lawsuits and settlements other
early folk bands have made as Led Zeppelin stole their music word for word
literally. Dont believe me take some time and look you will be shocked at
how many songs they copied. Not changed..but copied word for word.
Especially songs in the first 2 albums. I was serious Zep fan but when i
spent days looking into this and reading the lawsuits/settlements it made
me sick. Im sure this vid will forget to mention this.

statewithinastate2 says:

The Jewsmedia and alternative Jewsmedia want you to believe what they want
you to believe. The Satanic message of this band underlines the old saying
“The devil ALWAYS has the best tunes.”

Edgar Grady says:

Somebody wants a expensive car, another one a big costly property, those
fellas just want to be listened to
I say it is outstanding!
You have to youtube that video

Goat Gruff says:

No LZ music? Toss.

mike dewas says:

led zeppelin is heavy meatal maker hard rockers………

Mams Meunier says:

Je m’en. Merde avec mon mari il est rassiste z

faeryquene says:

Thank you for uploading this! I particularly liked the sight of baby Page
(He looked about 12 or 13 years old, so cute!)

Frank Kallam says:

I have a whole new respect for YouTube….Where have they been hiding this

gjtt says:

Led Zep always pays homage to their roots and influences. They took it and
moved their music into multiple directions, light and shade, accoustic and
hard rock, folk and blues like no group had ever done before. If it wasn’t
for them, you would not have the many bands that came after them that these
bands emulate to this day. They also did so much original material that
fused many of their influcences together. Best, most original band ever.

TheMassata says:

Name of the song at the beginning and at the very end… pls

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