The History of Led Zeppelin Pt. (1/6)

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Documentary about formation, career, excess, women and end of the band.Documental sobre la formación, influencias, trayectoria, excesos, mujeres y fin de la banda.

Keep on rockin!

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  • Categories: led zeplin


3434arc1 says:

Considering their enduring godlike stature & popularity, and the fact that
they are likely the greatest rock band that ever stepped on a stage, it is
surprising that nobody has ever created a thoroughly professional, first
rate documentary on Led Zeppelin. No cheesy graphics, no pale imitation
audio, no fourth hand stories. Zeppelin obviously merit the highest caliber
of professional documentary filmmaking. A gifted director that fully grasps
Led Zeppelin’s unique story & enduring stature could fill a gaping hole for
a sea of fans. How about a special project for David O. Russell (great
filmmaker & big Zep fan). Zeppelin deserve this level of talent to properly
chronicle their story. It’s been done for the only other band in Zeppelin’s
league in terms of influence & popularity, The Beatles. But even they do
not have the mystique of Led Zeppelin. C’mon somebody do it right!!

mike peine says:

about 3:40 I had this & others posted , probably deleted ? or I just can’t
find it know ???

funkality says:

Did he say Sun Ra records at 3:09?

Laughing Freeman says:

Learn the history of your existence, *its infinite*
~~> You are stuck in a paradox called the animal realm, *Learn the Truth
about Life and you can overcome this world*

Google: *TruthContest* and read “The Present”

Clown Whisper says:

I love Zep. But they plagiarized almost every damn song they claimed to
have written.

miciola miciolina says:
Stephen Wattie says:

willie dixon lol, they stole his music, he won million $$$ law suit vs

Tim Rubin Halcomb says:

Man , Led zeppelin were the greatest rock gorup in history! So amazing!

OmtaThien says:

what is he referring to as the “british art school experiment” in the 60’s

resqfireman1 says:

Love Zep, but they really should have called it a day after the Oakland
deal and the death of Plant’s son. Their run was over….

Ajai Babu says:

Jeff Beck’s explanation is priceless

B Baldwin says:

So many idiots in this forum accusing Zeppelin of “stealing the old
bluesmen’s music”..

FROM ONE ANOTHER!! Led Zeppelin rules, haters! Get over it, you losers!!!!

Hiram Dorado says:

I’m not sure if this 6-part documentary is in your library, but it is good
stuff. I never get tired seeing videos of their recorded concerts n see how
these guys had SO MUCH FUN MAKIN’ MUSIC ..that’s why they’ll always be
irreplaceable, cuz they had fun doing what they did!

James Fromm says:

what is the song played for the first 25 seconds?!?

Hiram Dorado says:

I’m not sure if this 6-part documentary is in your library, but it is good
stuff. I never get tired seeing videos of their recorded concerts n see how
these guys had SO MUCH FUN MAKIN’ MUSIC ..that’s why they’ll always be
irreplaceable, cuz they had fun doing what they did! 

blacklavatv says:

thieving whores

jorge luiz gonçalves de souza says:

OBS klic no icone tradução ( portugues ,portugues)

speedoflite1 says:

physical graffiti is funk writ large. …if we could just join hands

Леонид Антипов says:
jorge luiz gonçalves de souza says:

OBS klic no icone tradução ( portugues ,portugues)

featherinthewind333 says:

9:03 nigel tufnell

nerrad127 says:

first off Steve Douche, you’re fucking garbage on guitar. Learn to play
like the big boys before you come onto a video of the greatest band that
ever was assembled, and talk shit. Get a life, and some guitar lessons.

nerrad127 says:

go get guitar lessons.

steve conn says:

No, Zep sucks because they turn heartfelt blues songs into one giant
gang-bang, where each musician competes to play the loudest over each
other. That’s not soulful music; that’s music for adolescent retards.
People like you, for example.

steve conn says:

So facts = ignorance to another knuckle-dragging Zep fan. Shocking.

koolaidman1395 says:

Whats the song at the very beginning?

Josue Rivera says:


nerrad127 says:

talentless hack, exhibit A.

steve conn says:

Copywright didn’t exist during the age of Hadyn and Mozart. It existed when
Zeppelin used copywrighted work without permission. Basic legal logic, pt.
2. You’re really not that bright, are you?

Greg Wood says:

b…but how about if you like BOTH? Is THAT ok w/ you? Because I definitely
want to clear my taste w/ you before I like something, you boring,
pedantic, ignorant motherfucker. Steve Conn, indeed. What the FUCK do you
know @ music, life, or ANYTHING, for that matter?


This is the most horrible documentary about zep there is, who the fuck are
you, whats your name, you all sound like jaycee lee dugard on here, duh
george, which way did he go, which way did he go, ickkkkkkkk garry hixon

MrIFlingPoo says:

Go find something else to do Steve. You are not going to change the minds
of people that do not feel the same way as you, which is pretty much
everybody that has posted. You are not about to expose some sort of secret,
you have been beaten to that by many many years. People have different
musical taste and you will just have to accept that. So why exactly are you
posting here ? What is your actual purpose, apart from being a nuisance ?

Jack Nail says:


metalnut4life says:


Argonautica8 says:

Best Zeppelin jam EVER watch?v=8pXBQ1yIAP4

rcknrolfender79 says:

1:29 Did anyone else think of “The Jerk” with Steve Martin? Lmao I love
that movie!

essanance says:

Amen the Mighty Zeppelin changed so much , not just the sound but the way
record labels treated there talent and even the amounts that bands were
paid for gigs ..

Cincinnatus1869 says:

you havent slashed your wrists yet ? I must say I am surprised. You should
get out and get some fresh air stevie. Your mind’s going soft

Anddi says:

I thought they sounded like Mozart and Chopin mixed with the blues….

Nowwhywouldyou saythat says:

You know what Steve I’ve listened to your music your not that good and i’m
not saying i’m good at all, but when you have to go on a Led Zeppelin video
to say the band sucks is unbelivably childish besides the fact that Jimmy
Page did indeed give creadit to the people that originally made those
songs. Ever heard of Hammer of the gods its a book you should read it but
try not to strain over the big words. Also they created Stairway to heaven
which will outlast anything you do in this lifetime.

steve conn says:

Actually they stole the main melody of Stairway from a band called Spirit
(you can check it out on youtube). Ha, even their greatest works are based
on thievery. But you mindless suckers just eat it up, so enjoy 🙂

Mark Hale says:

everyone has been influenced at some point in their life.To infer Led Zep
was unoriginal is ridiculous. Sometimes plagurism is a form of flatery but
once money is involved its a crime.

CaptainManhood says:

thats the most ignorant shit i’ve ever heard

MeteoraXV says:


Charles Jones says:

Pretty sure that song was produced specifically for this documentary, in
the style of Page of course. Could be wrong…

lsvtecb18c1 says:

I think there wasn’t any songs from them because Led Zeppelin most likely
didn’t sign off on this Documentary to be made, IF they even knew it was
being made in the first place. That being said the producers of this
documentary would have to pay royalties to Zeppelin for any and all songs
they used, which would cost farrr more money than they were probably
willing to invest into this INDIE documentary.

Andrew Munn says:

I saw the video about “plagiarism” with led zep comparing 10 songs or what
have you. Sure some of the songs share the same chords, and the same name.
For fucks sake you could do that with any song in existence. Music is made
up of a slim variety of notes and chords if you didn’t notice. Thinking
your an original and the first to do anything is pretty ignorant. People
will always try to steal whatever thunder and acknowledgments legends like
Zeppelin get. Thats understandable, me to you. Fuck off

bob. waldock says:


Random21 says:

The Beck Yardbirds are still the best.

Mark Defusco says:

Wow, Steve, you are really a cunt. They are the best rock band ever.

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