The Four Symbols from Led Zeppelin

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No Quarter – (Double-time) Studio

“After all this crap that we’d had with the critics, I put it to everybody else that it’d be a good idea to put out something totally anonymous. At first I wanted just one symbol on it, but then it was decided that since it was our fourth album and there were four of us, we could each choose our own symbol. I designed mine and everyone else had their own reasons for using the symbols that they used.” -Jimmy Page 1977
Led Zeppelin

Jimmy Page’s Symbol- the symbol has existed since at least 1557 to represent Saturn, Page’s Astrological sign.
“Page designed the symbol himself. It’s a perversion of the greek word “sozo”, meaning salvation. I’ll leave it to you to figure out what the alternate meaning is. Page did have all four symbols concecrated during a magickal ritual and trapped certain spirits of intrigue into them to work as a spiritual vaccuum, causing people to like them a lot more than one would normally get into any average rock band. Magick is very real and Pagey knows this. That’s why he’s NEVER had to work for someone else”

Robert Plant’s Symbol- was his own design, being based on the sign of the ancient Mu civilization

John Paul Jones’ Symbol -from Rudolph Koch’s Book of Signs is a single circle intersecting 3 vesica pisces It is intended to symbolize a person who possesses both confidence and competence

John Bonham’s Symbol – was picked by the drummer from the same book. It represents the trinity of mother, father and child. The symbol also happens to be the logo for Ballantine beer

There is also a fifth, smaller symbol chosen by guest female vocalist Sandy Denny representing her contribution to the track “The Battle of Evermore”; it appears in the credits list on the inner sleeve of the LP, serving as an asterisk and is shaped like three triangles touching at their points.


ourd0gseven says:

No, Not.. “Beer emblems”… those 3-circles are cleverly disguised 6’s,
three of them~>

rudy zainul says:

What is the name of this song??

Deltassippi says:

actually I read that Pagey told the others what symbol to choose. 

dashocka31 says:

you really think so? it does seem like so spirit is in this music that
makes you just get obessed with it or somethin. ever since i started i have
to listen to them at least once a day…. strange

KnowhereMan123 says:

Dude… Pagey’s symbol is a lamp. Why that would be is that he is a
sorcerer and his symbol is the lamp of knowledge.

rebecca chauvin says:

@18elana thank you so much!!

Michael Taylor says:

@Rudy7flo Stylized ram’s horns is the symbol for Aries.

tardwhisperer says:

Page’s symbol need not be debated. Anyone who has a rudimentary
understanding of the greek language knows that zoso is a perversion of the
greek word sozo, pronounced ‘sode-zo’. This word means ‘to save’. We can
then easily conclude that zoso means the opposite. Jimmy Page himself has
been quoted as saying the following; “I know I am contributing to the
deterioration of society in some capacity, but I don’t care. I won’t be
around when the shit hits the fan.”

Allan Cerf says:

incredible rehearsal of no quarter!

13Voorheespt2 says:

@dashocka31 It’s because they made amazing music, not because of “magic”

Michael Stanley says:

i have the trinity necklace around my neck. i have it it on for about a
year now

Elekes89 says:

at 0:40 it`s a part from the flower of life … the infinite power …
search about the flower of life and you will understand 2 symbols from this
video …

becky1455 says:

can someone who knows this well give me a full like meaning of all four
symbols because i really want this tattooed but want to know exactly what
it means before its on my body for the rest of my life! thanks!

Earl Grey says:

@tardwhisperer Just to know the greek verb sozo (σόζω) means “save somebody
or something”.

tardwhisperer says:

Page’s “symbol” was designed by him. It is a perversion of the greek word
“sozo” pronounced “sode-zo” meaning salvation. I’ll leave it to you to
determine what the alternate meaning is.

tardwhisperer says:

Magick is very real. I’m not talking about parlor tricks. I’m talking about
the unseen forces of nature. The definition of magick is to cause change to
conform to one’s own will. Jimmy learned this at the age of eleven when he
read Aleister Crowley’s “Magick In Theory and Practice”. Page has never
denied this.

jrohrback says:

Has anyone tried Ballantine beer? Just wondering if it was good or not.

jrohrback says:

@tardwhisperer There is something magical about those signs. I liked them
the first time I saw them when I was a kid. I used to draw them on

understated2010 says:

Its JPJs symbol it represents a competent person but if you take away the
circle its the sign for the holy trinity (father, son, holy spirit)

tardwhisperer says:

Not true. He died from asphyxiation due to overuse of alchohol.

Roy Limon says:

Zoso is not a word but rather, a symbol. The original symbol was used by
Cardano in 1557, which he used as the magickal sigil for saturn, the planet
that rules capricorn, Jimmy Page’s Sign. Jimmy took this sybol and changed
parts of it. The true meaning is one only known to him. In short it is an
adapted occult symbol.., it’s also the name of a 3 headed dog that guards
the gates of hell.

charles keeton says:

there’s no debate it’s Saturn symbology so do the math!

Zatoichi444 says:

@jrohrback it’s not good….but they have little puzzles to figure out on
the inside of the beer caps….pictures that spell out familiar phrases
like “A stitch in time saves nine” etc…..shit beer though

Stan Nicolae says:

Dafuck you changed my life

mpjgbx says:

Ironic that Bonhomie dies from alcohol poisoning.

Rudy7flo says:

Basically the word Salvation in Greek is “Σωτηρία” = Sotyria and… it
doesn’t like this word with the salvation 😛 I m not sure about Jimy Pages
symbol, but I know that “Z” is the symbol for Aries in the zodiac circle
(he was born in 9 January) and OSO is the a symbol for a God in ancient
greece, his name is Kronous (the planet) who married Gaia and have 6
children , Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Hades, Hestia.

astronomer51583 says:

what is that symbol at 0:40 seconds?

TacomaPaul says:

Also, look at all the symbols of Jimmy’s “black pants”… that can be seen
throughout the move “The Song Remains The Same”

tardwhisperer says:

Page performed documented rituals during concerts. Especially during the
bow sequence in Dazed and Confused. It’s much bigger than people realize.
Read The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion for the big picture in
order to understand EVERYTHING that’s transpired in the last century. The
reason why Germany went apeshit on jews. The British invasion. The moon
landing. And take note when you see the credits on movies and television
shows. Notice that there is ALWAYS a jewish producer. WHY?

jrohrback says:

nice shirt!

Felipe Garcia says:

John Bonham kind of has a little bossa nova beat going on.

charles keeton says:

Dudes and Dudettes..there is much more to the symbols! Ancient knowledge is
an art that many do not truly understand!

charles keeton says:

@tardwhisperer..sozo is not zoso so if this is supposed to be from the
Greek word what does it mean?

tardwhisperer says:

It is not. That’s the likely smoke screen and they are similar, but the
greek word sozo is the origin of the symbol.

ModernDeism says:

search any Celtic jewelry store online

JimmyPageification says:

Jimmy’s symbol: can be found in a book of ancient runes from the Middle
Ages. It’s meant to represent his astrological sign, Capricorn, as well as
his ascendant moon, Saturn. Robert: reference to an Egyptian goddess of
writing. Jonesy: stability, patience. Bonzo: represents family + also the
logo of an american beer brand. Hope that helps 🙂

Juan Rosales says:

Lol @ 3:59

sOaPyiLLuSiON6 says:

my girl would love those earings at 0:36

18elana says:

@becky1455 basically, john paul jones’ symbol represents someone competent
and confident. bonham’s symbol represents the man-woman-child trilogy,
although bonham claimed to have just “liked it”. plant’s is the symbol for
an egyption goddess of justice/fairness and its the sign of a writer aaaand
page’s is still being debated.

Amy McCann says:

Great vid Randy, so cool to hear No Quarter in it’s formative stages as a
jazzy jam! They all sound just amazing here! Amy

2012Cthulhu says:

Thank you for saying that. I was hoping this video to be about that rather
than whatever the hell it is about.

tardwhisperer says:

Page designed the symbol himself. It’s a perversion of the greek word
“sozo”, meaning salvation. I’ll leave it to you to figure out what the
alternate meaning is. Page did have all four symbols concecrated during a
magickal ritual and trapped certain spirits of intrigue into them to work
as a spiritual vaccuum, causing people to like them a lot more than one
would normally get into any average rock band. Magick is very real and
Pagey knows this. That’s why he’s NEVER had to work for someone else

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