Thank You (Real to Reel 2007) Official Video

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Tesla says “Thank You” to their fans and their Rock and Roll Heroes ! (Led Zeppelin)


Aaron Vanalstine says:

They stand the test of time.
Incredibly talented

benslimane ghizlaine says:
Jim Reed says:

The guitar solo didn’t make me want to thank music for anything…surprised
they road with this cover! but oh well it’s their choice

Garns Hazey says:

Excellent live in HS guys! Thank YOU!

smavinger says:

Big Head Todd and the Monsters Tangerine, Stone Temple Pilots Dancing Days,
Chris Cornell Thank You, Great White Babe I;m Gonna Leave You, and now this
version of Tesla doing Thank You are the best Led Zeppelin Covers I’ve
heard so far.

rick s says:

If you care about ROCK,l you hear this every day!

lisa d says:

not bad for a remake!

pigjesus says:

nIce, but empty without the JPJ organ parts. They’re so engrained in my
head that I hear them anyhow(:

warren marz says:

rock on jeff, brian,troy, frank,,,sorry don’t know the new kid, ( but he is
great) ,,,keepin it real for us

viewer60601 says:

WOW – Tesla rocked that! Vocals were excellent!!!!

Tommy Duckworth says:

@milesmcd4 Hey dumb asshole. This is a great cover. So shut the fuck up
unless your gonna go cover it. You probably can’t sing or play the guitar.

RockOfGreece says:

I want to sing this song with my band too!

teslafan11 says:

this is going to be my wedding song! love me some Tesla!!!!! great cover

kipufalls10 says:


Dean Prescott says:

Freakin Awesome!

Bob G says:

I’ve always been a Led Zeppelin fan and Thank You from their 2nd album has
been an all time favorite. The words of the song are very powerful and have
deep meaning which is one of the reasons I dedicated it to Cindy a long
time ago. Tesla brings this song to a whole new level and in my opinion far
exceed the original done by Led Zeppelin…….

adventchild11471 says:

@tythefrog Robert Plant wrote this song for his wife Maureen. By doing a
cover of this song, it bastardizes the original meaning, and makes
listeners forget the true meanings of this song. This is a song that should
not be played in order to “Thank the fans” but to thank your spouse and
loved ones, because where else would we be without them in our lives?

wendywolfman says:

solo’s rather nice

a87908 says:

Ehhhhh Sorry, but the original is so much better… the voice and emotion
just aren’t the same….

Paul Hensley says:

i still rock this song. and its been 4 years

Amy Smith says:

Absolutely the best cover! I love you guys!

stonedpimpdaddy says:

This is the best Lep Zep cover I’ve ever heard.I actually like it better
than the original!Tesla Rocks!!!!!!!!

DukeofColumbia says:

So what if the JPJ Organ parts aren’t present . . . it’s still a great
cover 🙂 And the double neck guitar = double awesome!

PlyWmn says:

Everything TESLA does is GOLDEN!!!!!

CaliforniaDebi says:

@rkstrlife I totally agree. I got way big love for Jeff Keith. 😉

adventchild11471 says:

@tythefrog I’m going to have to disagree with you, wholeheartedly! I do
enjoy my share of Tesla songs, but not in this case! This version comes off
as pretentious, more than thankful. The Led Zeppelin version had much more
emotion behind it.

Witchback Great says:

Great job!

MrPeacefrog73 says:

I have been a fan of this band since as long as I can remember…I have
always admired their talent…..and with this cover…OMG these guys are
truly amazing

joey c says:

Best Cover ever made…No Joke…Hands down!!!

Raechel Dossa says:

That was amazing. Tesla is an amazing band. I agree….there is only one
band who could’ve done it better!

demonsabetab says:

excellent cover.

TheBansheebot2 says:

Saw these guys on their first tour opening up for Def Leppards Hystetia
tour. One of the best.

imadownboy says:

Agree 100% . tesla always deliver a great performance.

shekenshewill says:

yesss me again I love you guys OMG F H LOVE peace n music

MrBlackmorepage says:

wtf this cover is awesome excellent one of the best tributes to led
zeppelin yeah great cover

KPJ113 says:

New Tesla album (Twisted Wires) coming out this Tuesday – YAY!

Andrea H. says:

Amazing in all aspects!

Stone BoDean says:

I saw Great White do a set of Zepplin covers…Fucking Awesome

Montano80 says:

the Tesla version is better i think

Salmon Sitompul says:

masterpiece and nice performance from the great band. enjoying thiz song.
thx for uploading thizz…

Metalmikebach says:

i proposed to my girlfriend when they played this at Penns Peak in PA a
concert I’ll never forget

KPJ113 says:

<3 Tesla. \m//

Greg Kieselburg says:

freaking awesome

zeppelinnation says:


Solitaire427 says:

Excellent covet. This whole cover album, reel to reel is awsome. Every song
on it.

indrazor1 says:

3:39 sweet

rosarioconsoli says:

mazza che bravi i tesla…grazie, grazie,grazie…

Jose Luis says:

Som may kill me, but I prefer this version to the original

Karen Kirby says:

Fridin Love it! Thank YOU!

Darren Morrison says:

@nicoley96 “Hands down” means: Period. End of discussion. LOL

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