“Rock And Roll” Avery Molek, 6 year old Drummer

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Avery Molek (6 year old drummer) drumming to “Rock And Roll” by Led Zeppelin.
Visit Avery on Facebook at http://www.AveryDrummer.com/facebook/ or at http://www.AveryDrummer.com

The Sheet Music Avery used was purchased from http://www.drumscore.com/

Special Thanks to:
“MEINL Cymbals” for giving Avery a ton of cymbals to try out & Kellyshu internal kick drum boundary microphone isolation & stabilization system.


Scarlet Lennon says:

I wanna have a son like him xD

Robert Martin says:

LED ZEPPELIN !!! Takes me back to my high school days!! Still a big Led
Zeppelin fan. Avery who’s your favorite to play? Take care.

HaileyTriest95 says:

Zeppelin rocks and so do you Avery!!m/

Jessica Wasgehtsiedasan says:

Here we have a 6 – year old making an awesome drum cover of Led Zeppelin.
My faith in humanity is first of restored.

Александр Демьяненко says:

Excellently !!! fine Fellow

maren martin says:

He’s a beast with drums!!

sticksbass says:


Robert Maimone says:

Avery, you inspire me and give hope to our world. Stay Golden, Avery! 

Родион Черепов says:


Vern Smith says:

damn!!! This kid is great!! And that drum set sure set his old man back a
couple of grand. 

mlaugh3 says:

you did very well!!!!!

Shooga J says:

Amazing…this is one of the best drum driven songs ever. And he nails it!

jesse says:

Wow. Just wow.

rodrigo ribeiro says:

muleke ninja que precisao da pohaaa, isso nao eh gente nao kkkkk…

andrew dube says:
teddy75084 says:

Great timing, keep this young feller away from the drugs the alcohol and
women for the next 20 yrs he may just have a career in the
industry…Reminded me of my son at his age.

Buddha MacRiner says:

Rock on little buddy………….we need you to carry the torch!

pamela grogan says:


Hey Now says:

To be his age….amazing…Rock on Little Dude !

James Kelly says:

A six year old has better taste in music than you and he can play it too.
#music #ledzeppelin #rockandroll #drums 

Chris R. says:

Jason B. would be proud of this little dude, and I’m sure John is smiling!!

John Chiuchiolo says:


Don Shaw says:

This little guy can right damn jam! 

Gilbarwaters says:

I’ve watched many bands playing in bars and playing this song and most of
them always suck @ playing the solo at the end, and this 6 year old does it
perfect. This is talent!

N4MJG says:

He is veryy good ,I try to take drum lesson 15 years ago, nope i can’t
play Drums !! waay too hard for me !!

J297WFD says:

You Rock kid!

蘑小菇 says:

yeeeeeeeeee 什么时候重金属能重回潮流呢

Saulo Guerra says:

ghost notes are dead

wayne williams says:


James Porra says:

I’m so amazed…Avery does not miss a beat…and the passion, the
combinations etc… I am thoroughly amazed. I am 46 and I have always loved
the drums BUT when I tried to play…Nope, Didn’t happen. He makes it look
so easy. God Bless him. He has already paved the way to launch his very
successful career.

APIC Agencia Privada says:

JAJAJAJA only the bBEST!!!!!!!!

kyrenide says:

Bonham would be proud

Kristina Giannetti says:

Great job Avery you rocked this led zeppelin song 

Montoto B. says:

Bravo capo!!!!

Dog says:

This kid is destined for greatness. 1976, John Bonham was in the bar on the
night of my bachelor party. He would have loved this.

Carlos López says:


APIC Agencia Privada says:


12treeGoldfisher says:

a guy named bonzolum does the solo correctly slow so you can see it

Jussi Soittila says:

OmG He´s better than John Bonham! 

Wyatt A says:

Everyone should quit saying he played it wrong. in my opinion it was damn
accurate, and also, he’s fucking 6, I’m sure he could out drum most of us
commenting here.

Bryan K says:

Still can’t beat the great one and only John Bonham.

Denise McArdle says:

Hope to see you someday do the Immigrant Song. My opinion, Bonham’s best!

12treeGoldfisher says:

Bonham played ghost notes along with the high hats

TheAerosmith3 says:

Best band ever. Keep it up kiddo! I hope you know rudiments. They come in
handy man. 

Michael Edwards says:

way to get the led out

Alfa Leatemia says:

amazing Avery…you played drum on my fav song…perfectly…legendary rock
fans must be proud that little kid Avery likes their idol too… God bless

steve clark says:
Frank Roa Mella says:


Neil White says:

Bullshit, motherfuckers.

Jack Weber says:


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