Robert Plant Sound Opinions interview uncut and unedited

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The only place you’ll find the entire interview between Robert Plant, Jim DeRogatis and Greg Kot.

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Shannon Fisher says:

What a incredibly intellectual person even if he wasn’t so famous a
compassionate down to earth kinda guy that just has it and willing to share
it hope he lives to be 100. ♥

IPushHard says:

Over the course of my life I’ve loved a lot of bands.. From Sabbath to the
Old 97s to AC/DC to Jerry Reed. Each had their particular impact on me and
I’ve observed the impact they have had on others. Robert, and Led
Zeppelin.. are at the very pinnacle of my musical consciousness.
I dont play Zep every day anymore & haven’t for many years… but when I
pick up my guitar or even think in terms of creating music, I am still
blown away by what those guys did.
If someone asked me one of those infamous stoner questions… “Hey, if you
could magically transform into a rock band which one would you be?” .. I
would say Led Zeppelin.
What I especially liked about this interview was that his own summary of
his musical journey to this point was reflective and paralell to his life
I wish that I could be as optimistic about todays music as Robert seems to
be, but I am really happy that he has found that comfortable space he’s
been looking for since Zeppelin and I look forward to hearing more new
music from him.

gee gee k says:

Not many artist’s can sing like Plant with the greatest rock group
ever, but what really blew his mind was Nancy Wilson from Heart singing
stairway to heaven at the Kennedy Center Honors….really captured his

roman14032 says:

basicly he creeps around the world hunting for the best young talent
and steals their stuff

Deej dawn-roxanne says:

so wonderful !! love it!

Kiran Evetts says:

Poor Robert, will they ever do an interview without mentioning Led Zep? I
love Led Zeppelin but with Robs solo career it must be irritatig that
everyone asks about led zep all the time!

the artist says:

This was the fastest 50 minutes I have ever lived and so great, thanks!

somekindofmonster7 says:

His voice is the same now as it was in 1975.

Mary Ann Sumner says:

Great interview. Thanks.

phillip williams says:

Been a fan of zep and plant for as long as I can remember,
Listening to him speak makes me feel how good it would be to see a feature
film story of his and the bands life with all the funny stories of stealing
milk of door steps and petrol from cars. would be a great story to view.

Robert U. says:

great great man !! thanks for the awesome interview and the upload here!

semiLivedj says:

I’m still mad at him for doing Honey Drippers right after Zep. It was like
WTF! My rock God fell off his throne and hit his head.

Kevin Kiso says:

Yes, Thanks a million for this. I love R.P.

Ash Lee says:

An excellent interview here with the wit Plant exudes as well as his
incredible knowledge of early music and world stuff from anywhere and
everywhere – that helps when you get excellent questions and someone who
knows about the person they’re interviewing. Keep it up!

Tom Baranyai says:

Great musician. Great guy!

Kim Deleon says:

Wonderful interview with Robert.

Frank Williams says:

the vocalist

Donna Blair says:

I always thought he was intelligent.

amber west says:

according to those who have heard my sound and writting, flecs like baez,
yep apparent influence, i had no idea etc.

amber west says:

with or without yew, baaaa, baaaa



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