Robert Plant ‘Rainbow’ | Official Track

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‘Rainbow’ the official track off Robert Plant’s forthcoming album, ‘lullaby and… The Ceasless Roar’ released September 9 on Nonesuch Records

Pre-order the album now:
And on iTunes:


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Giovanni Gee says:

I’ve always loved this guy.. he’s stayed true to the path of pumping out
some good numbers over the years even though he might have strayed from the
rock path now & then. But whatever he does, it’s distinctive and creative.
Kudos to Robert Plant ~ Rainbow.

charles robbins says:

Come on people, arguing over Zep for or against a reunion which some say
can never be a reunion at all w/ Bonzo gone? Let’s give it, and them, a
break. Impossible for every person who wants to see them play together to
do so now. 45 years ago would have been the best time to try for a ticket.
Luckily, for me, San Diego, 1977 was my lucky time to witness one of the
last shows. Sure I would love to see them again, but, realistically know
it will not happen again in my lifetime. 

Edith Bernal says:

Robert Plant ‘Rainbow’ aguanteeee#lollapaloozaChile2015 .:D…

Denise Morgan Kalicki says:

WOW *Robert Plant has a new band and a new album!* He is truly timeless
and still ahead of his time.

selv jas says:

What’s great about Robert is he’s stayed true to his word and never became
a parody of himself unlike older rockers like Mick Jagger,Steve Tyler,Paul
McCartney,Billy Joel,ect….

Эмиль Юсупов says:

Robert Plant ‘Rainbow’ | Official Track:

Monica Andreotti says:

*I will be a rainbow….. ;)*

Daniel Lewis-carter says:

The world’s a better place for having a Robert Plant in it. One of his


Like a fine wine, Plant gets better with age…

Alessandro Rossi says:

Robert Plant – Rainbow


Andree Camino says:

Robert Plant ‘Rainbow’ | Official Track:

Angel Reyes says:

Robert Plant ‘Rainbow’ | Official Track:

robert pojedinec says:

How beautiful! I love this song, and can’t wait to hear more. Thank You

Rodrigo Vieira de Oliveira says:

Podem se passar 20,30,40,50 anos, Robert Plant sempre será o melhor
vocalista da historia. 

Dominika Hojná says:

Robert Plant ‘Rainbow’ | Official Track:

Rick Harris says:

Magical times to you.

Vic Alves says:

Well, sorry R. Plant, but U2 created this style in Zooropa…

Noureddine Elouarghi says:

Robert Plant ‘Rainbow’ | Official Track :

EdmondDantesLeComte says:

This album + Borderlands is like amazing…

Robert Plant says:
MrEricStarr says:

he needs to do a zep reunion tour for his fans damnit 

Aline Espindola Loch says:

I am a big fan and I very much appreciate your work, mainly led zeppelin ,
i love led zeppelin

Stella Capparelli says:

Mix – Robert Plant:
Fãs do Rio de Janeiro, que morem na Tijuca, e pretendam ir ao show entrem
em contato comigo, please.

eurl beaulande saint donatien says:

Regardez cette playlist sur YouTube :

Vladimir Leonov says:

Robert Plant is ever-changing, his albums are the diaries of his travels
around the world to explore and expose kinds of music that are still
unknown to the average Western listener. I’ve enjoyed this rhythm a lot !
Cet gentilhomme est digne de tout respect. 

Agustina. says:

I heard this song live a couple days ago and it brought me to tears. It’s
so beautiful!

Felipe Neto says:

os bons tempos voltaram

Николай Узунов says:

Стягам багажа за малък отдих в Благоевград. Хм, ще си взема само книжки –
всичко друго е ненужно на този етап 🙂 

MrPolymeneas says:

I really love this. Can’t get it out of my head. Great work great voice.
Thank you for existing Robert Plant

Эмиль Юсупов says:

Robert Plant ‘Rainbow’ | Official Track:

john wilbur says:

Man was born to sing. +

Justyna Frisztig says:

I love to drive with this song 

Jammin John says:

He’s always been one of the best. His collaboration with Krause on shifting
sands was epic. 

LandJ NixGarduno says:
jerry siller says:

Robert Plant is awesome.

Maria Oliveira says:

Robert Plant no lollapalooza 2015 aeeeee

Valérie Casanave says:

Toujours aussi agréable à écouter. Merci Robert Plant !

natrazor says:

love it, love it, love it

Susana Jeschke says:

thats my song..

Vinienne S says:

You All Will Be The Universes Rainbow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Luigi Biagini says:


Димитър Димитров says:

Много е добро парчето

Vito Abbatecola says:

176 asshole

eddiemaiden80 says:

how much of his soul did he sell to keep been so good.

Leonard SHyti says:
germanRael says:

….love it !


+Tamoghno Banerjee …. That’s folk bro

Daiga Siliņa says:

Why the heck Nicki Minaj songs have >20 000 000 views and this 1 311 124?
Can you tell me why? Facepalm.

kenz martin says:

This is quite beautiful. Like a lullaby. 

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