Robert Plant – Rainbow | Official Music Video

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Official music video for ‘Rainbow’ off Robert Plant’s 10th solo album, lullaby and… The Ceaseless Roar

Instagram: RobertPlantOfficial

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  • Categories: robert plant


Khatia Shiuka says:

‘I found a lucky charm, I dressed it up with love.
I crossed the Seven Seas to you, will it be enough?
And I will be a rainbow, oh, while your storm is gone
And I will bring the song for you, and I will carry on.’
I love Robert Plant!;)))

Robert Plant says:

Official music video for ‘Rainbow’ off Robert Plant’s 10th solo album,
lullaby and… The Ceaseless Roar

Werner Bevers says:

Robert Plant – Rainbow | Official Music Video:

Debbie Nobodyneedstoknow says:

Robert Plant is a legend and I was lucky enough to see him in live
performances twice. Here is some of his new stuff!

steve robertson says:

Always have to refer back to this song!! Robert, the best, always

Warner Music Brasil says:

Tem clipe novo da lenda Robert Plant no ar! Vem assistir a “Rainbow”, o
primeiro single do novo álbum solo do artista:

Stephanie Richards says:

Thank You Robert Plant!
You bring magic to life in song.
A spark of musical genius glowing iridescent along the ethereal~
Much Love <3

Сергей Федоренко says:

#RobertPlant #TheSensationalShapeShifters
Robert Plant – Rainbow
Вокалист легендарных Led Zeppelin Роберт Плант (Robert Plant) выпустил
новый студийный альбом «Lullaby and…The Ceaseless Roar» увидивший свет 8
сентября 2014-го. Спродюсированная самим Плантом пластинка включила в себя
11 треков – в том числе 9 авторских и 2 перепевки. Первым синглом стала
песня под названием «Rainbow»
«Это по-настоящему вдохновляющая мощная запись с африканскими элементами,
где транс встречается с Led Zeppelin, – характеризует новую работу мастер.
– Моей целью как исполнителя всегда был поиск братьев-единомышленников. Я
счастлив работать с The Sensational Shape Shifters. Эти люди пришли из
разных областей современной музыки. Я долгое время прислушивался к своим
ощущениям: есть ли еще музыка в моем сердце? Способен ли я еще что-нибудь
сказать? На протяжении всей жизни нас сопровождают ожидания и
разочарования, радости и печали, вопросы и ответы… и теперь я в состоянии
выразить весь этот спектр через мелодию и слово; через калейдоскоп звука,
цвета и братства».

escuta .aqui says:

quando o cara é bom, o tempo só faz melhorar…

shawn kooyman says:

Robert Plant – Rainbow | Official Music Video:

Sylvie perrone says:

Bonsoir les amis

Robert Plant – Rainbow | Official Music Video :

Jürgen Baumgarten says:

*Robert Plant* mit “Rainbow” von seinem neuen Album
*Lullaby And…The Ceaseless Roar*

Official Music Video (All rights by R. Plant)

Lyubov Maximenko says:
natascha fischer says:

Love it

Ferdy Katchadourian says:

Rainbow by Robert Plant ( Led Zeppelin)
Un de mes singles préférés de 2014 et sans aucun doute le plus beau clip de

Don Lo says:

Robert Plant – Rainbow | Official Music Video :

Betatest Bullfinch says:

Great song, fantastic voice. 

Любовь Котлярова says:

Вышел новый альбом Роберта Планта «Lullaby and… The Ceaseless Roar», на
котором экс-лидер Led Zeppelin возвращается к этнической музыке и
пользуется приемами Massive Attack.
…Воссоединение Led Zeppelin откладывается…

…в 66 лет все еще есть что сказать и чем удивить.

Robert Plant – Rainbow | Official Music Video

N Ahmed says:

This is magical. 

titi. molina says:

Official music video for ‘Rainbow’ off Robert Plant’s 10th solo album,
lullaby and… The Ceaseless Roar

Trasgre Divo says:


Vladimir Leonov says:

Love that ethnic element of the percussion :)

Danna S says:

New Robert Plant! I like it!!! What do you think???

obert Plant – Rainbow | Official Music Video:

Eka Qantaria says:

My hands shall not tremble, my feet shall not falter
The voyage shall not wear…

StopListenThink says:

Im pretty sure…<3 yup...

M. Friedrich says:

Robert Plant – Rainbow | Official Music Video:

Full6871 says:

Very Good …

countmobius says:

Still got that magic. Never lost it. Love and peace to you and yours. xxx

Aerolo nebulaes says:

many hugs friends….

Mo Monahan says:
Simone Crotti says:

È sempre un piacere ascoltarti!

jean-marc Lamoureux says:

Robert Plant – Rainbow | Official Music Video :

Amy Now says:

“i will be a rainbow now that your storm is gone”

Caro H. says:


Living Tree House says:

Love it. Always, something very intriguing and magical about his voice. 

AR Bieber says:

He did this song on the Steven Colbert Report and this version is ‘close’
but that night, that studio, the song was … it snapped my ears
around. Sadly the portion of the show is NOT available anymore. Does
anyone know why? I would LOVE to get a copy of that version. Even if
there is a charge. It’s THAT good.

JOHN Gresham says:


Alain Bisiaux says:

:)Robert Plant – Rainbow | Official Music Video :

Gerald Herrmann says:

lotta kings of leon in that song

mary lolmay says:

the best singer in the world

Chris S says:

What a wonderful song. Still got it and then some

Eila Karvinen says:

Storm is on Robert love you and all you do … your Northern girl <3!

Gerard Asterion says:
Paul Jesus says:

Fuck me, this is so good.

StopListenThink says:

<3 you!

Marcos Antonio Imbriani Opaleiro says:

Robert Plant – Rainbow | Official Music Video:

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