Robert Plant ‘Rainbow’ (Live)

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Robert Plant and the Sensational Space Shifters perform ‘Rainbow’ live.

Recorded at Hydrogen Festival/Padova, Italy & Colours of Ostrava/Czech Republic
Plus footage from Glastonbury Festival/UK

Instagram: RobertPlantOfficial

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Debbie Nobodyneedstoknow says:

I have a deep appreciation for Robert Plant…His music live is far better
than his recorded stuff….I have witnessed it myself at two concerts…he
is a legend….born to sing and he will always sing….

Richard Čapek says:

Robert Plant,jeden z největších hudebníků,zpěváků s nezaměnitelným
hlasem,kterému letos bude 66 let, vystoupí v červenci v Brně hale Rondo.

Iris Prado says:

Thanks for invite!
I loveee Plant ! 

Silvia Aldovini says:

Robert Plant and the Sensational Space Shifters – ‘Rainbow’ –
Recorded at Hydrogen Festival/Padova, Italy & Colours of Ostrava/Czech

vandilson silva says:


vibrato6 says:

Robert Plant should be given tremendous credit for not living in the past
and resting on his laurels.Instead he chose to
grow as a musician and forge a new individual path and form of
expression.He has aged so of course he isn’t the same
person or performer that he was during Zep’s heyday and yet he is still a
powerful artist. I , for one, applaud him and wish him well.

Kyoung Hwa Kim says:

Robert Plant ‘Rainbow’ (Live):

Roxanna P says:

*Rainbow* – Una riuscita “incursione” nel pop più elegante
caricata da quegli *oooh* che alle orecchie di qualcuno
non possono che risuonare come un antico richiamo

“Ooh Oooh Oooh Oooh
Ooh Oooh Oooh

ho trovato un ciondolo portafortuna
mi sono vestito con amore
ho attraversato i sette mari
sarà sufficiente?
e sarò un arcobaleno
oh, quando la tua tempesta sarà passata
e ti porterò la canzone
e continuerò

Ooh Oooh Oooh
Ooh Oooh Oooh

Sto cercando di raggiungere le stelle
nel cielo in alto
oh, porterò la loro bellezza a casa
i colori del mio amore
e sarò un arcobaleno
oh, quando la tua tempesta sarà passata
e ti porterò la canzone
e continuerò

Ooh Oooh Oooh
Ooh Oooh Oooh
Ooh Oooh Oooh
Ooh Oooh Oooh Oooh Oooh Ooh Ooh

L’amore è abbastanza
anche se il mondo sarà un vento
Le parole non hanno voce, ma la voce del lamento
le mie mani non dovranno tremare, i miei piedi non dovranno vacillare
Il viaggio non dovrà essere stancante, il pesce non dovrà essere alterato
Hmmm è un arcobaleno, oh è un arcobaleno
oh, non puoi vedere gli occhi che sono gli occhi di un amante

Tasche piene di cuori
un mondo che è pieno d’amore
un amore che carica tutti
la passione e l’inondazione
mi sdraio sull’arcobaleno

Ora le tue lacrime se ne sono andate
e canterò la mia canzone per te
e andrò avanti

Ooh Oooh Oooh Oooh
Ooh Oooh Oooh
Ooh Oooh Oooh
Ooh Ooh Oooh Ooh Oooh

Oh yeah, Oh oh oh oh no no baby
Ooh oh oh
Oh yeah, Ooh Ooooh Ooh
Ooh Oooh Oooh
Ooh Oooh Oooh
Ooh Oooh Oooh

bruce kigllis says:

allez bientôt le week-end!! :)

Philou Philips says:

New live , pour ceux qui ont connu ” Led Zep “

Chris Sutton says:

*Robert Plant – Rainbow*

I posted an article about Robert Plant earlier this week, here’s a live
version of a track off the new album.

SCHMIT née ROCK Brigitte says:

Robert Plant ‘Rainbow’ (Live) :

Fin juillet a Lyon

Вадим Лапиньш says:


Эмиль Юсупов says:

Robert Plant ‘Rainbow’ (Live):

Alline Morais says:

Um amigo meu ama esse cara. 

BemolMx says:

#RobertPlant – Rainbow 

Tairine Xavier says:


JITA Sagitarius says:

jo pořád umí a umí zestárnout a nebýt směšný, jako stovky jiných “umělců”

Yacine Zaier says:

Great to hear and see Robert , I can hear the experience with the GNAWA
there, great stuff , all the best from far away Tunisia , keep
well .

Эмиль Юсупов says:

Robert Plant ‘Rainbow’ (Live):

Alejandro De Nicola says:

Grande Robert!!!

Rabbi Glickman says:

Ach, he’s looking very old these days. If he’d study kabbala like Madonna
does he’d never age.

David Gennaro says:

so good… when age defines beauty 

jisatube says:

Rainbow, de Robert Plant, uno de los temas más recientes. 

Jake McAuley says:

Check out this video on YouTube: Robert Plant from Led Zeppelin still

Takeshi Iida says:

元Led Zeppelinのロバート・プラントのソロ曲
かつてのGolden Godと言われた面影はなくなってしまったけど、マイペースに活動は継続
僕の中ではLed Zeppelinはビートルズと並ぶ双璧
I will be a rainbow
While your storm is gone
And I will bring the song for you
And I will carry on…

katherinaJee55 says:

love…much love to him


i start to love much this song

Classical Jams - Passionate Piano says:

Just fantastic!! Looking and sounding fabulous!! I just love your energy
and passion!! Thanks for having a presence on YouTube and also G+ so your
fans can easily follow your activities. You are the greatest singer of all
time 🙂 My best to you and the band, ~Jackie

jordanaug81 says:

Robert! He never stops creating, evolving & moving forward instead of
staying stagnant, something that people with no taste hate him for.

Richard Smith says:

Now officially my role model for age 66. What a performance. Note-for-note.

Cathy McCoy says:

Jeez! Great song, video, audio and sound… All wrapped up in A Plant 

Jhonatan Paiva says:

Eterno led zeppelin

Светлана Радуга says:

Robert Plant – ‘Rainbow’ (Live)

Timothy vanhorn says:

HOLY Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. Book of GENESIS 9:16 “The
rainbow shall be in the cloud, and I will look on it to remember the
everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh
that is on the earth.” Jesus peace!

Michel Chirac says:

It’s Only Rock ‘n’ BLUUUU (But I Like It) ะ㋚ะ Robert Plant

Robert Plant says:
Beat goes on says:

2014 – Lullaby And… The Ceaseless Roar [HQ]

Ben Marino says:

Robert Plant is still the man!!!!

rodandsteph says:

Beautiful shimmering depths of rainbow messages chatoyant with radiant
love~~~~ Thank You Robert Plant! <3

Rebecca Becker says:

Have seen LZ,Unledded, & Robert too many times to count .Headed to Cary
,N.C. in June to see him for second time @ Booth Amphitheatre …He is
without a doubt (in my humble opinion)…one of the BEST singer’s in the
world.Love you,Robert & your SSS..Godspeed…

Dhananjay Aryan Upreti says:

He is only getting better with age!

Yakovlievich says:

I thought it was going to be a Stones cover.

lnaiads says:

Oh Robert… That’s the way I like you. <3 on stage

pattithestranger says:

the one and only. love this man!

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