Robert Plant Greatest Hits

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joker rc says:

my older broth got me this on vinyl oh back in yearly 80s , amazing sounds

Electric John says:

Listening to Heaven Knows is like traveling through a time tunnel back to
younger days, long curly hair, hot sexy lovers and long intoxicated
hallucinogenic nights filled with ecstasy. Ya feel me?

Peter Koning says:

……but then, but THEN !!! Who can play like Jimmy Page ???????????

Michael Henderson says:

I think you did a great job spanning Roberts career it’s kind of an
eclectic mix. Of course there are going to be songs missing that people are
going to be looking for but all in all you rocked it!

Pipa Zeppelin says:

can someone pelase put the names of the songs?

Łukasz Mazurek says:

I love his music for affection, sincerity in what he does and this
wonderful atmosphere .. and his album “Pictures at Eleven” (1982), “Fate of
Nations” (1993) and the new album “Lullaby and .. The Ceaseless Roar”
(2014) is a masterpiece ..

KyleGhostRider says:

great singer

Vinienne S says:

Nice Mix Great Pics
He’s a Master then And Now Present! Awesome Feeling Soul !

Serge Desmarchelier says:

mention très bien

Ryan Tickle says:

someone please tell me the name of the song that starts at 31:00

Łukasz Mazurek says:

I love his music…. His new new album is awesome…. Thanks Robert for

drober4444 says:

No ship of fools? WTF

jgperfater says:

I know some of these but a song list would help

Steven Drobot says:

gr8 artist. tyvm for sharing Olimpio. God bless you and yours and
all commenting in Jesus nbame. :)

George Tsigarides says:

As Good as Robert Plant is – I do not believe non Led Zeppelin tracks are
as good.

Krzysztof Michalski says:

The best voice 70s and 80s

JOHN Gresham says:

Robert still takes you there.

Artur Rebajn says:
Chungas Revenge says:

Who ever posted this is an idiot. Not one song from his greatest hits album
Pictures at Eleven.

Lizet Cejas says:

Es fantástico! Muchas Gracias.

Walter Greenhouse says:

No Big Log ? Unless I missed it. That was one of his best 🙁 

Peter Koning says:

Has there….will there be another ???? MAGIC !!!

Joseph Falco says:

The creativity is strong with this one

jany moreno says:
gmusmc44 says:

please someone tell me whats the second song

Stúdió Bereczki Mészáros says:


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