Robert Plant – 60 Minutes (Australia) Interview – 17th Feb 2013 *HQ*

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He was the self-proclaimed “Golden God” of Rock. And 40 years on, still singing and touring, Robert Plant continues to inspire awe in his devotees, musicians and fans alike.

From 60 Minutes – Sun 17th February 2013

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Creepy Logan says:

I love Zeppelin. But I don’t see plant has the bad guy.
He just wants to see how many rabbit holes he can go down while he can.

Rik Schnabel says:

so awesome Robert. I see you, hear you and feel you and get you. You are
too talented to rest ( I get that).

Robert Worth says:

Robert says he has nothing to do in 2014 yet he has an album coming out
this year. Personally I would love to see him do a Led Zeppelin tour. Can’t
you just hear Bonzo telling Robert;. do it for me; do it for my kid do it
for the fans one more time. Come on Robert you know that’s what John would

Rickybop says:

Nice man, Robert Plant. I like how he said “God bless you”. That says a lot.
Much love always, to the “Golden God of Rock”.
And of course, to Jimmy, John P and John B.

MagicMan says:

Живи долго, Роберт.

Craig D says:

Robert, it’s the end of 2014 and you said you could tour so lets get back
to the west where we have always loved Led Zeppelin

Tommy Stephenson says:

Gee Frank….thanks for your prolific lessons regarding the world of
rock……~ You must be a walking encyclopedia. Were you also present at
the “Big Bang?” lmfao~


a descending Aminor riff is plagiarizing, its like 10 percent of the
song… everyone when creating is refrencing some thing, I bet VanHalen
got the idea for eruption from Jimmy Page’s solo on heartbreaker

Rebecca wells says:

he is darling and I hope he come to LA or Vegas. Such a sweet sweet man.

Astral Frost says:


And the interviewer was really good. Good sense of humor on her. 

Aussie's Planet 0071 says:

Very memorable interview. The voice of Rock speaks

steve T says:

she said they were the biggest, they are still the biggest. they can still
sell out a concert in minutes. ’07 concert 20milion requests for tickets.
sold out in a minute online. no other band can come close or even half way
in ticket sales in that time.

ward459 says:

I’m not a Zep fan, but other than the rated R stuff in front of the family
and the interviewer’s gushing, I thought it was a decent interview. Plant
obviously has a good sense of humor. Hard to believe he didn’t think about
fame–just don’t buy that; however, his answers showed some class. Her
early comment about biggest rock group on the planet, and knocking off the
Beatles and Stones was a stretch–I’d sure like to hear how she came to
that conclusion. Royalties? There are many measures in which the Beatles
and Stones come out way on top. How many different Zep songs do you hear
repeatedly played on the radio? How about the Beatles? I’ll give them one
thing though, the Beatles’s were like stick figures on the stage, whereas
Plant (along with Freddie) took stage energy to a whole new level. Zep was
good on record, great on stage, but overall a bit overrated. 

latina arlene says:

His daughter looks just like his ex-wife. He likes this interviewer. She
keeps up nicely.

Sandie Leslie says:

A very charming man indeed! xx

Rock Singer says:

Great Robert Plant interview 

вадим смагин says:

настоящие професионалы развили до необыкновенных глубин направление джими
хенрикса ну а сольники робэрта классика.

Joe Riserbato says:

People such as JAB5625 can argue, bitch, complain and whine all they want
and say they were overrated but that’s all they can really do to
substantiate their silly and petty beliefs. The fact of the matter still
remains to this day and will continue to remain for generations to come,
that being the unmitigated and colossal success that they’ve achieved to
this point. It takes an incredibly small mind to call that overrated.When
children, teenagers and young adults are still being mesmerized to this day
40 years removed after listening to Zeppelin for the first time, how can
anyone with any sense call that overrated? That is timeless treasure, in
fact it’s magic.
Townshend is still upset because The Who were so badly upstaged by
Zeppelin. Keith Moon told anyone that would listen that Zeppelin would go
over like a led balloon. In other words they were going nowhere.Obviously
Pete is still pissed that not only his band mate’s prediction but probably
his own as well went the way of that ridiculously infamous prediction.

Pot Lynne says:

how handle that fame, Robert?

tjmorgan1962 says:

Enjoy Everyone on this Great Day in 2014! #robertplant

mroll1000 says:

omg i love the reporter………wow!

neal frazer says:

Does it matter about the rumors,the innuendo,the nay sayers of Zepellins
music or what the critics ay 40 yrs ago or still to this day?..We have
their music and whichever way you choose to portray Zepellin…They left
their mark.

Pamela Stewart says:

Robert plant could put me over his knee any day I love older men

macncheeseriot says:

Good Lord. He’s as old as my dad, but he’s still hotter than donut grease.

Pot Lynne says:

she looks like jimy page

JoAnn Black says:
chris oloughlin says:

Who was the then woman of the year in 2013? She was NO kid, and she was
NOT amused…. :)

Annette Pitre says:

need to remember that song when I’m 67

Louise Suggs says:

this is the most phenomenal honest simply interview I have ever seen in my
life. Gives true meaning to what you see on stage is not always what is
beneath. I have the utmost respect for the group for many reasons. 

Redress Returns says:

HEADS UP..”RapLyricsRocks” site isa ake – afrontof adevil–b forewarned
spread the word –stay away fromthatsite-it’lltakeUdown

Mary Finlayson says:

that interviewer is WAY annoying…TRYING to be witty. I really got turned
off when she was trying to get him to confess to R rated behavior with his
family sitting there with him??? wtf???? she really is full of herself,
it’s like she has this conscious thing going on where she is more into what
she is saying and her interpretation, rather than letting him TELL us what
he is thinking and his own interpretation. SHE ruined it.

kZ PacoSkillZ says:

Now is 2014 I still wait :(

Bass Nelson says:

i don’t mind another group or singer covering another’s songs as long as
they pay dues to those composers and writers of those songs along with
acknowledging their names on their recordings as the composers and writers.

xXGrizZ says:

Zep or the Floyd, if there is a reunion show, I will pay any amount of
money and go anywhere in the world to see it. PERIOD.

Tom Lambertson says:

Here’s your answer, Plant is not ready for 2014 after all. The tour would
make them 1 billion dollars by most estimates, but these guys don’t need
the money.

Kendra Jones says:

When it comes to sheer musical and instrumental ability, Led Zeppelin &
Pink Floyd are the two greatest bands of the modern-era, imo. The Beatles
were great song-writers but not great instrumentalists.

The members of Led Zeppelin & Pink Floyd were fucking WIZARDS on their
instruments, as well as excellent songwriters. 

inialny says:

Stairway to heaven… how boring… I would rather listen to Ramble On

Kim Deleon says:

The Aussie 60 Mins…

janeswurld says:

Haha the interviewer liked how witty rob was. XD you still got it rob you
old dog you. BTW the girl in me would want to bang him because of his
amazing voice in led Zeppelin and no I don’t regularly want to bang guys in
bands just rob 😉 

Charles Rinehart says:

Very nice interview here.

Witch of Myddle says:

“I was a natural fake.” Men like him turn me on no end.

missesmada11 says:

I love the end of this interview ;)

Devon Howell says:

lol “one more silly question and ill put you over my knee, but thats what
shes been waiting for”, so good with the ladies still

Thechristiancullen says:

I loved Led Zeppelin until I found out what a bunch of thieves they are.
They should own up to some of the songs that they have stolen and
Plagiarised from others.

mottthehoople684 says:

I wish she asked intelligent questions

Tommy Stephenson says:

Ya right…….. Robert was in bed every night by 11:00………a few times
with my best friend and band mate, Tommy Bolin’s girlfriend……KAREN the
whore…….~ All the while, pretending that Tommy was his best
friend……….WOW……..!!!!! I know of where I speak…..~

rev54 says:

The London reunion was a sell out.

Yup, sell outs are exactly the words.

Chris Overberg says:

I’m a Capricorn Robert Plant!!!

JAB5625 says:

The most overrated band on the planet. Most people like them because they
think they have to. The Bob Dylan syndrome. They have some good stuff but
it’s mostly the songs that aren’t “critically acclaimed”.

If I never hear Stairway and Rock n’ Roll and Whole Lotta Love and Black
Dog ever again, I honestly won’t care. Ahh, same goes for Immigrant song.

Nothing against them as people. Just ridiculous they are this cherished or
whatever. Plant’s solo stuff in the 80’s was better than any Zeppelin

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