Led Zeppelin – The 35th Annual Kennedy Center Honors 2012

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Led Zeppelin Honored At The 35th Annual Kennedy Center Honors. December 26, 2012.

0. Documentary
1. Foo Fighters – Rock and Roll
2. Kid Rock – Babe I’m Gonna Leave You, Ramble On
3. Lenny Kravitz – Whole Lotta Love
4. Heart (with Jason Bohnam) – Stairway to Heaven

The 35th-annual Kennedy Center Honors aired last night, December 26, on CBS, shining a massive spotlight on the rock powerhouse that is Led Zeppelin, who were among the event’s honorees.

The special, which was recorded in Washington, DC, on December 2, also honored venerable blues guitarist Buddy Guy and featured Led Zeppelin-centric performances by Foo Fighters, Lenny Kravitz and Ann and Nancy Wilson of Heart, who performed with Jason Bonham.

Guy received tributes from Gary Clark Jr., Tracy Chapman and Bonnie Raitt, and Jeff Beck performed “I’d Rather Go Blind” with singer Beth Hart in Guy’s honor.

President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama were in attendance.

“There was this singer with a mane like a lion and a voice like a banshee,” Obama said during a speech honoring the band, “a guitar prodigy who left people’s jaws on the floor, a versatile bassist who was equally at home on the keyboards, a drummer who played like his life depended on it. It’s been said that a generation of young people survived teenage angst with a pair of headphones and a Zeppelin album, and a generation of parents wondered what that noise was all about.”

The 90-minute awards show, which also recognized Dustin Hoffman, David Letterman and ballerina Natalia Makarova, drew more than 8 million viewers last night.

Although official clips haven’t been released just yet, you can check out some of the show’s highlights below, including Foo Fighters (with Taylor Hawkins on vocals) performing “Rock and Roll,” Ann and Nancy Wilson of Heart (with Jason Bonham on drums) performing “Stairway to Heaven” and Lenny Kravitz digging into “Whole Lotta Love.”

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Gongasoso says:

That moment when you realise Old Man Jimmy Page could pick up a chick with
more ease than you’ll ever be… No? Try Young Page… Thought so…


Yes,BETTER than the Beatles. The Beatles were pussies.

grubslekcin says:

Right at the end of Stairway, when the camera goes to Jason and you can see
him breaking down, you know that he is thinking about his father and the
three men who have been there for him all his adult life is truly moving.

JammastaJ23 says:

Booooo get the stairway solo right. Otherwise good. 

M. O.G says:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEly-0VLMsA#t=635 jimmy is thinking
‘good god what is this?!??!’ 😀 😀 😀 😀 

Frankie Saitta says:

Ann = The Fucking Voice

Marcilene Evans says:


ross s says:

Led Zeppelin – tribute to the greatest rock band in history. 

Katherine Carney says:

Why was Kid Rock invited?

tuccikaa says:

im crying like a baby. every minute of this video is like gold…perfect.

Kaleunt says:

looks like Michelle really wanted to jump and to dance

luciana melis damme o cane says:

le lacrime di Plant

Josue Rodríguez says:

Increíble interpretación de “Stairway to Heaven” se les salían las lágrimas

trapperftw5 says:

When Jason looks up for his father, he must have saw him looking down
telling him “I’m proud of you.”

paul aswad says:

when I was in the army, I flew from texas to ny with led zeppelin,and 2
flight attendants, we were the only ones on the plane. they let me on
because I was in uniform. it was some trip lol

Donna Blanchard says:

BRAVO….Ann and Nancy Wilson…you were AMAZING!!!!! RP,JP and JPJ have
enjoyed the Wilson sisters!!! Robert had tears….he is such a kind man!!

edgar diaaz says:

alguien puede decirme las canciones del video

Mo Ali says:

I’m I the only one who got chills when the guys said “Like gods of rock
unleashing the power of music… setting nights on fire” 

lejandko says:

I’d’ve sold my soul to be in that audience.

Simone Crotti says:

le lacrime di Plant

teddykgb7575 says:

Wow! Kid Rock fucking sucks.

Ludwig Fernandez says:

¡El rock es Led Zeppelin y 10 bandas más!

MarkS1356 says:

Greatest tribute ever. Incredible.

Toan Nguyen says:

Robert Plant and Jimmy Page are the gods!!!

ThatsMrMoronToYou says:

Michelle O’Bama is a man, baby!

LuhDeLuciana says:

17:58 Their faces! Awesome reactions! Love it!

Bradley Cea says:

Jack Black put it best. Best Band Ever.

stan6388 says:

best band everrrrrrr

Luis Solórzano says:

Jack black said the fucking true. Led Zeppelin is the most better band

karen reta quiroga says:

Led Zeppelin

Michael Ferry says:

January 4, 2015 – NSA HEADQUARTERS – Austin, Texas – Dear Kidd, I love you
but you must possess Christaline upper tones to cover Robert Plant
respectfully. Still, the Heart was there so we’ll accept this performance
as one of Heart not tribute. Therefore, it ROCKS!!! Let’s get fucked up at
your earliest convenience. Now works for me. Peace/Love/Healing. Arthur
Now, as for the sisters. I adore you and Robert wishes He could cover
Himself like that these days. Thank God We have the recordings…right?
Peace/Love/Healing. Me

KillertoneLabs says:

Is it just me… Or is Jimmy Page slowly morphing into president Bill
Clinton? Maybe he used his Satanic powers to shape shift into the POTUS…
And we never even detected it! 

Dirk Ruiter says:

The best rock band ever 

Дарья Журавлева says:


Joe Hooker says:

Led zeppelin, the creators of rock and roll! 

Herm Janssen says:

Beatifull performance by all the other artist,no better concert.


Houve um tempo que pessoas faziam tudo para durar para sempre, Led Zeppelin
é um exemplo. E hoje temos pessoas que fazem coisas que não servem nem para
o ontem. 

karthik chennoji rao says:

i cried. damn.

Kevin Decoteau says:

Rock on, forever.

Pawel Skala-Piekos says:

This moment, when former gods are recent old farts crying about their glory
that passed. Wagners Twilight of the Gods would suite here more then this
pathetic cover of this epic song. They were sexy, they were agressive and
dangerous Bleh. Thats the worst thing I seen in my life. GUYS I WANT YOU TO
BE 20 yrs old again and I HATE YOU FOR AGEING. Bleh. 🙁 #sad

Nina Rubio says:

Led zeppelin is in my life since I was Born!!!

phil saintdemon says:

love when the choir comes out and honors JOHN BONHAM with the black
hats….. made me cry…. ty JOHN

okky murdock says:

Lihat video ini di YouTube:


LED ZEPPELIN-BEST BAND EVER!The Beatles were bitches!

sevchyk says:

That lady confused the lyrics. But in general I enjoyed her performance.

Arthur Tutu says:


CaptainCook12345 says:

Einer der besten Vorstellungen Ever seen.

Aidan Convery says:

Grotesque surgery mummies.

Sergio Barbeito de Paula says:


chrisx timms says:

everyone was freaking amazing…. dam taylor hawkins can sing, kid rock
rocked, lenny kravitz is a great talent and the Wilson’s were fantastic

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