Led Zeppelin Physical Graffiti outtakes – Companion disc II 2015

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Jimmy Page has only put one companion disc to Physical Graffiti.
So I put a second disc together of the songs we are missing *

You can also listen to my new version: all the songs of Physical Graffiti: the complete companion disc. I put them in time of making. Bron Yr Aur, Down by the Seaside, Nightfligt, Boogie with Stu, Black Country Woman, Houses of the Holy and The Rover, and then the songs of Physical Graffiti 1974.
This one is even better!

Custard Pie
The Rover
Kashmir *
In the Light *
Bron –Yr- Aur live 4-9- 1970
Down by the seaside
Ten Years Gone
Swan Song
Night Flight
The Wanton Song
Boogie with Stu *
Black Country Woman live 27-4-1977
Ten Years Gone live 27-4-1977
Kashmir live : 24-5-1975

*These are not missing


Emin Kurnaz says:

I Had a chance and chat Robert and Jimmy in İstanbul in 1998 and 2007.
Lucky me. Best band of history.

Paul Kruse says:

Led Zeppelin Physical Graffiti outtakes – Companion disc II 2015:
https://youtu.be/MoonvuGpeO4 escape! 

Emin Kurnaz says:

Greatest album in my life.

Deke DaSilva says:

By far the Zep’s best album. And their last truly great one. Presence was
solid, but In Through The Out Door was more like a Robert Plant solo album
with the other members of Led Zeppelin guest starring.

Michael Hicks says:

Got to have this on my playlist (I have all kinds of uses for my Google
page). : )

Marc Livingood says:

This is a bunch of shit mixes that were not used for a reason and a few
horrible live performances and what i mean by that is bad mixes with plants
blown out voice. Their recordings were all magical why are they now showing
us how they built the illusion. I want to wander how they did it i don’t
want to hear the crap that they hid from us.

Escape2Muszik says:

I love hearing just the instrumentals especially Kashmir. 

Rainson Zeppelin says:
Trixie James says:

this is not the remasters and you should be ashamed for labeling it as
such. you suck. you should be shot for misleading people.

acoustic360 says:

The official Deluxe Edition early version of In The Light is such a sonic
improvement over the well known bootleg copy, too bad that this work in
progress version of Custard Pie didn’t make it onto the official companion

sal economos says:

Even w/out the solo, this is by far the best Custard Pie I’ve ever heard.
I ALMOST prefer it to the LP version.
You can clearly hear Plant’s vocals much better.
Thanks for posting.

Andrew Shakespeare says:

I’m enjoying listening to this hugely. IMHO Jimmy has totally botched the
companion discs. I’m a huge fan but so much of what he’s put on there isn’t
worth listening to more than once. The version of Kashmir seems to have
little difference to the released version, and the version of IMTOD and
Trampled… are both just minus the overdubbed guitars, which means they
aren’t as good to listen to as the final versions. The version of In The
Light merely illustrates that they eventually got it right, and Boogie With
Stu just has a bit of mandolin added at the beginning and fades out. Same
with all the other discs so far. The only truly worthwhile thing I’ve heard
on them is the version of Four Sticks, which sonically pummels the
original. I like Jennings Farm Blues, but most fans will have already heard
this. Bootlegs like this prove that Jimmy could have put far more
interesting material on the companion discs than he’s chosen to. I just
don’t understand it.

Grahame Bligh says:

Even on these rough early takes Bonham sounds great on Kashmir. In the
Light is a great track even in this early version,

Kiko Peres says:
John Henry says:


Daniel Lewis-carter says:

Zep in their rough form, rehearsing, mucking about, recording temp tracks,
were and are still better than most bands. This version of Custard Pie is
giving me chills. Imagine what it’d have been like to have sat in on these

Bonepointer says:

My Friend, a GREAT job you have done!!!

mega tron says:

Thanks, but I think Houses of the holy I their best album

Ron Bradford says:

This is the album that introduced me to Zep in ’78/’79. It sounded soooo
heavy, especially In my time of dying which may be their hardest rocking
song ever

crunkalac says:

I like kashmir without the orchestra following the main riff it sounds
heavier that way.

Jose Miguel Alfaro says:
Nigel Thomas says:

Zep raw or cooked is all great!

Sharon Powell King says:
Vickie Harper says:

Led Zeppelin Physical Graffiti outtakes – Companion disc II 2015:

Steve Bierman says:

Best rock & roll,Blues,folk and solo musicians in there own
right.Together they produced amazing music. Each on thier own bring talent
of high degree to aspects of thier choosing.

Raynard Packard says:

Raw… ethereal… brilliant.

Dee Em says:

You now what Zep has in common with the stones ? the drummin, it is
very open. hope he got plenty bucks for it, he made em. 

Denise Oesterling says:

This is my favorite album by far. Hard to believe it’s been 40 years.
Excellent album. Marc Livingood, your life is a big illusion. You talk in
circles. Sheesh.

TheCarolinaRover1 says:

I remember buying PG when it first came out. I had never heard anything
that great then and still have not to this day. 

650Thunderbird says:

Around 44 minute mark, The Firm, Midnight Moonlight, I think.

Tres Majestus says:

Loved the first 4 albums, I play guitar, big part of my life. Went to see
them after this album came out, knowing something was wrong. First song,
Plant says, “we’re not feeling well, can’t sing.” No, because you are
fucked up and I knew it when I bought album. Walked forth, second song,
Page is in back of amp drinking JDaniels from the bottle. He looked at me.
Sat in the car for the rest of the show. My Best Friend drummed with a
well known band and walked up to Plant in Geneva at a hotel, and Plant
said, “You couldn’t have picked a worse time to come up, we’re right in the
middle of it..”

Doh! I woulda kicked his ass.

Pierson Roe says:


Jeff Sanborn says:

I love this version of down by the seaside.. soo good

Shane Hale says:

F!@$# yeah!!! Zeppelin maybe The Dead could ever get this epic!!

Cavemaaaan says:

Will there be a TSRTSL extended CD? Hmmm……

Darrell Eads says:

Rock on this is awesome

dreamlyre says:

thanks for this. enjoying it very much. it was such a great time for
music.love the zep then and now.

Amor e vida Pr.marco antonio says:
Kenlaugh Lewis says:

Much rather listen to the L.P. with all the pops and crackles. 

Roxxane D'troyt says:

good choices i had to buy box set 4 and box set 2 to get them all.lol

Cavemaaaan says:

On to the NEXT!!!!

Cavemaaaan says:

If someone has faked certain portions of this…..shame on them……or,
KUDOS for the dedication to reproduce what they think is how things chewed
back then. Zep is GREAT Zep is GOOD….LLLZ my friends!!!

Vickie Harper says:

Led Zeppelin Physical Graffiti outtakes – Companion disc II 2015:



Carlos Espinola says:
K Foo says:

Is this a BOOT ?
I have heard this version.

strumfun says:

The only way to wake up each day and shake it on out.Maybe Achilles as well.
Thank fuck for this band !

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