Led Zeppelin Live at Knebworth Festival – August.11,1979. (Full Concert)

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Led Zeppelin Live At Knebworth Festival – 1979.08.11(Full Concert)

01.The Song Remains the Same (Page, Plant)
02.Celebration Day (Jones, Page, Plant)
03.Black Dog (Jones, Page, Plant).
04.Nobody’s Fault but Mine (Page, Plant)
05.Over the Hills and Far Away (Page, Plant)
06.Misty Mountain Hop (Jones, Page, Plant)
07.Since I’ve Been Loving You (Jones, Page, Plant)
08.No Quarter (Jones, Page, Plant,)
09.Hot Dog (Page, Plant)
10.The Rain Song (Page, Plant)
11.White Summer/Black Mountain Side (Page)
12.Kashmir (Bonham, Page, Plant)
13.Trampled Under Foot (Jones Page, Plant)
14.Sick Again (Page, Plant)
15.Achilles Last Stand” (Page, Plant)
16.Guitar Solo (Page)
17.In the Evening (Jones, Page, Plant)
18.Stairway to Heaven (Page, Plant)
19.Rock and Roll (Bonham, Jones, Page, Plant)
20.Whole Lotta Love (Bonham, Dixon, Jones, Page, Plant)
21.Communication Breakdown (Bonham, Jones, Page)

Led Zeppelin
Warner Chappell
One or more music publishing rights collecting societies

Ps:This video is not for profit, is only for fans of the artist and good music!

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  • Categories: led zeplin


Prince Zuko says:

1:05 The Song Remains The Same
6:12 Celebration Day
9:50 Black Dog (Out on The Tiles Intro)
15:21 Nobody’s Fault But Mine
21:20 Over The Hills And Far Away
27:34 Misty Mountain Hop
32:53 Since I’ve Been Loving You
41:30 No Quarter
56:48 Hot Dog
1:00:40 The Rain Song
1:08:29 White Summer/Black Mountain Side
1:14:19 Kashmir
1:23:50 Trampled Underfoot
1:30:32 Sick Again
1:35:48 Achilles Last Stand
1:45:30 Jimmy Solo
1:51:30 In The Evening
1:59:15 Stairway To Heaven
2:14:05 Rock & Roll
2:24:05 Whole Lotta Love
2:34:36 Communication Breakdown

Christian Allen Stone 023 says:

Jimmy playing a little sloppy is still music to my ears. He’d still piss on
99.9% of ‘guitar’ players today. Was he wrecked? Yes- it was the 70’s and
not the PC 2015’s where you get butthurt looks from uptight cunts if you
light up a cigarette, outside mind you… Plus the arrangements for tracks
like Achille’s Last Stand (ie) were multi-tracked- I’m amazed they even
tried it in a live setting… no easy feat but let’s bitch, right?! I’m
just glad they existed and videos like this exist.

Boo Bear 226 says:

I love how people who’ve probably never played a note in their lives can
judge the playing of Jimmy Page. That’s hilarious. What iconic band were
you people in? I’d love to know.

Ulli L. says:

Led Zeppelin Live at Knebworth Festival – August.11,1979. (Full Concert):

stubbysmallpox says:

its incredible what jimmy can do with a guitar, at times sloppy, never
boring, always interesting. Nobody ever did it better and the drums and
bass were so tight!!!

jose heras says:

Led Zeppelin Live at Knebworth Festival – August.11,1979. (Full Concert):

CooManTunes says:

It’s clear something happened to Robert after his sons death. His
mannerisms changed. His facial expressions changed. He’s noticeably older
too. Still belts it out here.

Ulli L. says:

Led Zeppelin Live at Knebworth Festival – August.11,1979. (Full Concert):

Nelson Dugluss says:

I really don’t like sound of the Alembic basses JPJ used.

marc Laforge says:

May be there were on the top of their art !!!

Alain SmithMenard says:

Jimmy is the best guitarist of the world ! 

filippo bacilieri says:

io c’ero un giorno intero di musica alla fine del concerto i led zeppelin e
io mi ero addormentato 

Alessandro Colagrossi says:


gTBeck1 says:

LOv Lov Lov It !!!

Derek Hansin says:

In The Evening sounds like like it was covered by a garage band.

lizi liz says:

Led Zeppelin Live at Knebworth Festival – August.…:

Debbie Beccia says:

<3 it!

Mango Trip says:


Monkey Man says:

Jimi Hendrix was utterly bolloxed pretty much 24/7, including live shows –
and the guy didnt come within a million miles of hitting even one bum
note…just saying, like…still a great show. When youre Led Zeppelin i
guess you can afford to be a bit rusty…

martin garrity says:


Anatol Krupin says:

Еще один живой концерт (2 часа 40 минут)

martin norman says:

To all below who have found fault with this gig……drugs or any other
substances don’t really come into it I’m afraid – Led Zeppelin re-defined
Rock music and raised the bar very high in their day. Bear in mind that
they were in effect playing to somewhere in the region of 400,000 + people,
so rumour had it, so firstly no pressure springs heavily to
mind….secondly, technology was nowhere near as good or reliable as it is
today, and I would imagine that the sheer amount of watts that the PA had
to push out was probably a strain on even the toughest equipment. Thirdly,
the very essence of Led Zeppelin was that musically they took risks all the
time, taking each song in a different direction every single time they
played them. I don’t hear that much of any other bands taking such risks,
either back then or nowadays. Drugs were a massive part of most
professional musicians’ lives back in the 70’s, so I don’t see what the
fuss is all about. All four were geniuses. And yes that’s Jimmy Page with
me in the photo, I was damn lucky to meet him in 2005.

Mish Mishmish says:

This band is so fucking overrated, what a bunch of noise, terrible singer,
terrible guitar player. 

Donny Yuniman says:

Robert Plant .
,The vocalist of legend

Christopher Bassett says:

Love Page but it is NOT my opinion he is playing like shit here.it is a
FACT. Bonzo and Jonsey are flawless and Plant sounds really good but Jimmy
is strung out and his playing is suffering. Why do certain people get so
upset when it is pointed out?

Pan Damasque says:

Woaahhh!!! Page with a… wait that’s not a Firebird.. wtf is it? 29:06

Scott Mikulencak says:
Alejandro Madrigal says:

In an era where play three chords and have thousands of effects behind
“making music”, there are critics everywhere deemed the “performance” from
the musical tank. Page can make anyone crazy on stage, never touched one
like 2 times, gave everything in every performance, drunk or sober,
contributed more to the music industry in many aspects that transcends
comments so arrogant, unfortunate and certainly out of place. Thanks Jimmy.
Thanks Led Zeppelin.

Ohad Gilbert says:

Hot Dog ruled in this one

TheHungryCuber says:

My mum was there….

boleplissken says:

Will you IDIOTS stop saying Page is sloppy!!! BUNCH OF IGNORANT, ARROGANT

PhilipVoodooNewRisingSun says:

Incredible Jimmy Page, he’s able to play the greatest guitar of all time
and sometimes to play like a beginner!…

minfo2000 says:


MyworstEnemy says:

Zeppelin is a once in a lifetime band imo. Page should be commended for
putting this lineup together and making it work.
Unlike today there were no lineup changes, or court battles over the name
so five Zeppelins could tour at one time(joke).

skip young says:

Joe Perry said in an 80’s interview that he loved Page on the albums but
not live.

HotRod Polk says:

Nearly a million views…That should say a little about the juggernaut that
was Led Zeppelin. Page was sloppy as hell, at times, but overall, the man’s
a fucking genius…Definitely the king of improvisation. I’ve always loved
the fact they were so adventurous, as to virtually never play a song the
same way twice, and the ability of the Johns to nearly seamlessly keep up
with Jimmy’s inspired rambling, (very much akin to word association, except
with notes), quite amazing.
I’ve played guitar, and sang, since the age of 13, and I place the blame
squarely on Jimmy, and the boys. In my own experience, shows may start a
bit rocky, until everyone relaxes, and gets in the groove. It’s just nature
of the beast. Improvisation is much harder than it looks, and these
boys had it in spades! Those who don’t like it, that is your choice…But
for those that feel it, it’s like manna from heaven, as it were.
Their ability to draw a crowd broke records, which, in the end, is what
really matters. 23 million requests for tickets to “Celebration Day”,
speaks volumes…

MasterDownUnder says:

To all those who choose to complain or go off at this performance. Running
time of 2 hours forty minutes! That is a seriously awesome length for a
concert, especially at a festival. Today, most acts can barely crack 90
minutes. These guys were very much the top of their game, and they are
clearly enjoying themselves while playing. If you really don’t like it,
then go back to Justin Beiber and Kanye West and have your pretend music.
This is art. And this is a concert that is worth remembering, forever :-)

Kikki Dee says:


Javier Hurtado says:

The playing is a bit sloppy in these shows, but you also should take in
consideration that 99,9% of any official live album by any band is later
“fixed” on studios

Frankincensed says:

Yeah, I wouldn’t rank too much on Zep for the sound. The sound quality, mix
is terrible, actually unlistenable. I left after just a few minutes. Sound
is way too muddled. 

Gerd Mühlberger says:

I think Plant’s voice is broken down at Knebworth,compare it with “live at
the royal albert hall,1970” and you know what i mean!

Rick Anderson says:

I don’t care what anyone says Zep sucked live..

mach tune says:

Brilliant gig and led zep are and still fucking kick ass. Bonham I salute

Eric Johnston says:

And to think I was dying to see this tour I would have seen this less then
a month after seeing Yes in the Round and Rush Hemispheres concert was
still fresh in my mind blown memory I would have become violent at this
fucking scam.

Stanley Scott says:

Incredible band. This is a signature timepiece event, thankfully preserved
on film. Page is incredible, Robert sounded terrific. They strove to bring
something different to songs that had been played perhaps thousands of
times. Bonham was the rock here. JPJ hung on! 

Arthur Tutu says:

O The song Remains The same concert…e de 1973 não entendo como eles
conseguiram traza-lo em HD…HD CARA eo Knebworth não.

dmanbass says:

Look on youtube for another rock and roll from this same concert night and
day its the recording that makes you think it is sloppy here . The other
one is awesome better picture too. Zep is one of the best 

Storm Warrior says:

I really wanted to go to this gig as I lived relatively local to Knebworth
at the time.
Being 16 year old kids in the late 70’s, my friends & I could not afford
the ticket price.
I think it was sold out anyway, so on the night me & about 8 others rode
down to Knebworth on our motorcycles hoping to get “near enough” to hear a
bit of the concert.
I had not yet passed my motorcycle test, so at the section of the A1 that
became “motorway” I took off my “L” plates (learner designation in the UK)
and flew up the road frightened as hell that I would be caught!
Predictably, all the back roads & routes “across the fields” were swarming
with Feds and security. None of us felt that adventurous or brave, so we
just listened for a while at one of the main roundabouts of the A1 main
road. I think we eventually returned home for a quick couple of pints at
our local pub feeling rather pissed-off.

Is there an official (or unofficial) video for this gig that has better

Sean Lundgren says:

You know Bonham is getting a bit out of control in his personal life when
he has to drum with a cigarette in his mouth during Whole Lotta Love. He
never did that in the past that I ever saw. Sad too see his life slowly
burning down.

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