led zeppelin live 1975 full(show completo) part 1

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direitos autorais warner (WMG)
Rock and Roll” (Page, Plant, Jones, Bonham)
“Sick Again” (Page, Plant)
“Over the Hills and Far Away” (Page, Plant)
“In My Time of Dying” (Page, Plant, Jones, Bonham)
“The Song Remains the Same” (Page, Plant)
“The Rain Song” (Page, Plant)
“Kashmir” (Bonham, Page, Plant)
“No Quarter” (Page, Plant, Jones)
“Tangerine” (Page)
“Going to California” (Page, Plant)
“That’s the Way” (Page, Plant)
“Bron-Yr-Aur Stomp”

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yon phoenix says:

pra ver o led zeppelin-celebration day(show legendado)

zepps88 says:

it’s hard to believe Page was playing skiffle 17 years prior

hans ove heggen says:

I think very many are misreading/interpret Jimmy Page`s so called
I dont think he was as sloppy as many think.. Okey, of course alcohol and
druges may made him miss now and then in later years..
But one of the reasons he sounds sloppy now and then(i even heard it on
Celebration Day concert)..
And the reason many say Page sounds sloppy, is simple.
As Jimmy Page him self say in interviews both between 1968 – 1980, and now
in the future.
Is that Jimmy Page, and allso the rest of the band ALWAYS entered the stage
with a goal to not sound the same on every concert.
So Jimmy and the others always, in every concert, tryed to enter the stage
with emty heads. To give each concert and each audience an uniq
experience.. No shit, no kidding.
Just listen to diffrent interviews from the 70s and until today. And with
all the gigs they played through an month or a year, it isnt the easyest
thing, to make it sound a bit different at every concert.
Something i think and are pretty sure is one of the reasons, it sometimes
sounds “sloppy”. Of course beeing a bit intoxicated allso have a litle bit
with it..
But, NOT as much that many say and indicate..
Give it a thought, and listen to some interviews peoples 🙂

Peace and Love <3 from a BIG Led Zeppelin Fan from Norway

Todd Lavigne says:

this show sucks….period
Page is wasted 

CooManTunes says:

I always make drum sounds with my mouth when listening to Bonzo.

Chris Bentley says:

You just can’t compare thus live stripped sound to what it actually sounds
like at a gig – bit like water v beer. Best rock band ever bar none. Zep
blended their influences beautifully and really spoke to people at the
time. Still LOVE their stuff. Rock blues passion mystical poetic beautiful

Yo BroMan says:

In hindsight, looking at Zep’s career, I believe this was the top. After
these 5 shows at Earl’s Court in May of 1975, it was downhill. Robert’s
car accident a few months after these shows, they recorded Presence instead
of coming back to America, they had planned on playing the Rose Bowl in
California (105,000 capacity for concerts, I saw Journey there in 1982).
Then the death of Robert’s son during the 77 tour. Their waning
popularity, then Bonham’s death. And just like that, it was over.

In subsequent interviews, Plant has expressed a similar feeling, these were
the top and it was only downhill afterwards. He went as so far to say that
the death of his son was the end of Zep for him. If not for Bonham pulling
on him to get back into the studio, In Through The Out Door would not have
been recorded and there would have not been any tours after 1977.

As ‘worn out’ as they sound at these shows from 6 years of constant
touring, the album sales, popularity, the spectacle, the influence…you
have to give them their due and recognize how important they are to rock


rich short says:

Mind blowing. The sloppiness and funkiness lends to the experience.

Susi Mercury says:

led zeppelin live 1975 full(show completo) part 1:

sal economos says:

Its frustrating,but,still love watching/hear them play “live”, even this
late in their life as a band.
Plant’s voice is burned out. Page has been so much better in previous
Wear and drugs took its toll on both of them.
Luckily, JPJ and Bonham can still kill it here.
But one has to be happy to be able to watch all the Zep we can on line for
free. Especially if you are a truly devoted fan.
There is such a wealth of memories here on line from their early years that
shows their early greatness. For this we must be happy.

Judite Maria says:

led zeppelin live 1975 full(show completo) part 1:

Csamangó Zoltán Farkas says:

Lelkesedtünk értük. De ez a felvétel elég szar. A zene is.És hallhatóan
vagy be vannak baszva, vagy kábítószer hatása alatt vannak! Kurva nagy
csalódás és csőd…

lizi liz says:

led zeppelin live 1975 full(show completo) part 1:

Francisco Gomes says:

isso é que é Rock`n Roll

Adam Burns says:

‘In My Time Of Dying’ has to be unique in that it’s captured better live
than the recorded version on Physical Graffiti. It slightly underwhelms me,
the record. But it does foreshadow the more basic, isolated sound of
Presence later on. I will have to check out the extra tracks on the new
‘Graffiti’ reissue, ‘cos I heard a ‘rough mix’ of Houses Of The Holy on the
radio the other night, and it sounded BETTER than the long established
released version. Guitars higher in the mix…backing vocals higher too. Go
listen to it and tell me it’s not better!

Humberto Sandoval says:

With a decent set of headphones it sounds quite good actually.

yves lemoigne says:

Au top niveau en 1975!

Happyevs1 says:

No Riffs with me The best Band in the World When i heard them 1st back in
the early 70s and although there are other contenders i’m taking nothing
away from your beliefs,but for me Zeppelin is the Best and there is loads
of bands out there who deserve the merit what helps too with this vid my
name is embeded at bottom right of screen lol NOTHING to do with me.So Glad
i found the Religion Called led Zeppelin Keep the Faith HH

iDespiicableMusic says:

Plant was actually battling the flu through most of the 75 tour, which of
course makes a big impact on your voice. His voice was much better, in my
opinion, during the 77 tour

angryprotein says:

Coldplay dreams of being this cool.

Harvester of Sorrow says:

I first listened to Led Zeppelin in 1986 in the 8th grade. That was @ a
time before internet. I late became an alcoholic and always wondered about
the link between discovering Led Zeppelin & my descent into alcohol & drug
addiction. Now it’s 2015 & I have recovered & began to listen to Zeppelin
again. Their whole essence is mysterious & demonic. I don’t deny their
raw power but always have wondered about the connection between the music &
addicts. Addicts always are obsessed about their music & music that is
often dark. But in this video, if Page is messed up he pulls it off pretty
well. I always like Jimmy Page but feel that his chops are at times
sloppy, especially when he plays extremely fast. Like he slips out of time
and out of key at times. 

Robert Kirk says:

Bull shit Jackie

Cult Stories says:

Buongiorno Cult!

#buongiorno #cult #ledzeppelin #live #musica #rock #cultstories


Flor Solar says:
Lucas Pereira says:

Song remains the same<3333


There can be only One!Bravo LED ZEPPELIN!

Sinthia Jarrz says:

DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ROCK ON

Andre Nega says:

Wunderbar!!! Besser als The Song Remains the Same

Ratsonic says:

Thanks for sharing. Never seen or heard this before. Excellent stuff.

faeryquene says:

I wish I had been old enough to see them in their prime! By 1980 – just
when I was old enough – John Bonham died and Led Zep never came back to the
States. 🙁 Guess the best I can ever do is watching videos and dvd of their
great performances.


So, just literally getting into this band within like, the last half-hour
here. Never cared nor really heard of them before aside from the popular
name, I have to ask as a newcomer to this band; what was the rift between
the members, here? I read a little on Wiki, but can someone verify?

Thomas Duran says:

Sound like he sick

Ken Reid says:

Nobody loves Led-Zeppelin more than myself. Truth is they peaked in 1973
setting all kinds of records. And 1975-1980 was their downwardness by 1977
JB couldn’t play Moby Dick anymore. Jimmy’s heroin use was getting worse.
By the late 1979-1980 JB was fighting to stay away from heroin. Which lead
to his more then 40 shots of Vodka on September 24, 1980 and not waking up.
Jack Black was right BEST BAND EVER!!! 

Rah Beats says:

this preformence is so sunked in and psychedelic . just what i’ve been
lookin for :)

Vaughn V says:

Having seen Led Zeppelin during the 2nd nights performance in Cincinnati on
their 1977 Presence tour, it was obvious the band was in top form and we’re
coming back into their own (from wherever fame had taken them). They were
so confident with their sound, they played music directly from the studio
albums for the 60-90 minutes while everyone settled in for a night of
Zeppelin Live…

That night, Zeppelin played at the top of their game for an 1hr 45min, did
short member solos for their 20-30 minute break, and came back for another
1hr 30min… There was no warm-up band and I left that evening and still
feel today, it was one of the best nights of my life, and the single best
concern I ever attended… All of this for only $15, quite a bargain as
today’s concerts go!!!

vic says:

who is the guy that introduced Zep?

Ryan Walters says:

Yeah, it’s unfortunate how Page had his troubles around 75 or so and beyond
with heroin.

Bonham was known for being quite the drinker

Saw them in 69 and again in 71…very clean, ripping shows. Saw the
Presence tour years later and it was clear that during that time they’d
become a better studio band and had gotten a bit sloppy on stage.
Nevertheless, I’ll always love their songs. Rip Bonzo. 

frank lapore says:


panisi linda says:

je les ai vu en 1975 a Bruxelles souvenir impérissable !!! bien sur leurs
albums sont magnifiques de minutie,de technique et de recherches . Mais les
live sont géniaux interprétations différentes a chaque fois .Un accord
parfait entre les quatre . OUI ce sont les meilleurs !!!!!Et j ajoute que
pour moi Jimmy Page est le plus grand guitariste et j aime ses”baclés” et
il faut le remercier car c est aujourd’hui encore le gardien de Led Zep 

Donna Hall says:
lidbjork says:

Love Led Zep, but Plant could be a little pretentious sometimes. Like his
speech at 11:10. Always this “journey” through the darkness and roots and
depths and cotton fields and yada yada yada

Kimberly Sikorski says:

led zeppelin live 1975 full(show completo) part 1:

Brayden Jones says:

Page did break a finger just prior to the start of this US ’75 tour and
adapted what was described as a ‘three finger playing technique’. It sounds
to me like he’s struggling a little bit with his lead playing here still.
Rhythmically he sounds good though. His playing from around the same time
on the Led Zeppelin DVD is much more fluid.

lara scorp says:
Nadia Lysyj says:

Led zepp @@@@@##@#

Marco Maman says:

Page wasn’t absolutely wasted here (Earl’s Court May 1975), that bad
condition came later, in the US Tour 1977. It’s – of course – not their
best concert period (best Zep performances were both in 1972 and 1973), but
there are still some pieces performed at highest level (in my Time of
dying, Kashmir). More, they played for six nights in a row and this too has
its weight. Whatever, we’re talking about the BAND WHO CRETED ROCK MUSIC.

gabriel martino says:

ok genius tell me the intrument you can play then let see how good are you
please dont jdge waht you dont know…………. i been to many of the led
…concert you have real privelge to be there one in a life

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