Led Zeppelin – How Many More Times – Danmarks Radio 3-17-69

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TV performance recorded on Danmarks Radio / Danish TV in Copenhagen. Released on the official Led Zeppelin DVD in 2003.

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3434arc1 says:

On August 12th, 1968, in a small basement at 39 Gerrard Street in London,
England, Page, Plant, Jones & Bonham assembled and played together for the
first time. All four were stunned by what happened the instant they began
playing. As skilled musicians (to put it mildly), they immediately
recognized that the melding of their individual talent yielded an immensely
powerful chemistry. They had bottled lightning & they knew it. I’d wager
that their faces probably resembled some of these overwhelmed kids. In all
of rock’s storied history, Led Zeppelin remain unequaled.

Takeshi Iida says:

高1の夏休みからなので、LED ZEPPELINファン歴16年Death!\m/

Mario Solis says:

Led Zeppelin – How Many More Times – Danmarks Radio 3-17-69

Steve Shaha says:

I have often wondered what the initial reaction was to the advent of Led
Zeppelin. Looking at the audience in this video suggests a complete
astonishment expressed by stunned silence. ZEPPELIN RULES; then, now, and


Led Zeppelin – How Many More Times – 1969 m/ 

Dean Guidici says:

Led Zeppelin – How Many More Times – Danmarks Rad…:

Francis Kralovec says:

Maybe one of the best representations of Led Zeppelin. In my top 5 Zeppelin
songs. Smooth jazz riff, great vocals, Bonham crushing the drum kit, great
solo, Page pulls out the cello bow, goes of on a jam riff, then one of the
best Zeppelin breakdowns into a bad ass guitar riff… Oh Rosie!!!
Everything great about this band all in one song. Top 5 Zep jams.. Minute
6:50 is where it goes from great to mind blowing before the breakdown…
Cello bow solo… Sick man.

MagicMan says:

Отпад башки!
Библия рока!


Well,,,, why not? 12 minutes of Zeppelin on a Friday afternoon. Sweet.
Below, a small group of local Danish kids in a small TV studio getting
their minds *blown*,


#ZoSo #PeaceLoveMusic #LedZeppelin #NineMinutesOfBliss 

cesar freddy says:

Una de las mejores presentaciones que he visto en vivo,magistral

Bob Gilbert says:

As with all Zep songs this one ROCKS! 

francesco terenzi says:

io mi chiedo come è possibile non lasciare un pensiero stupendo,dopo aver
ascoltato l’arte assoluta materializzata in note e ritmo musicale,quando e
dove nessuno aveva mai osato,sono ormai 40 anni che ascolto i zep e mi
sembra sempre la prima volta e ogni volta emozioni diverse,grazie a queste
quattro persone e ad una anima sola,led zeppelin

Dean Guidici says:

Led Zeppelin – How Many More Times – Danmarks Radio 3-17-69:

Libero Battaglione says:

Il rullo e la cassa sono triggerati in postproduzione per questa “nuova
edizione” ufficiale di questo live, con un effetto abbastanza sgradevole.

Jesse Low says:

Yeah is anyone else like me and just can’t get over this video that shows a
group of about 50+ just sitting quietly listening to freaking Led
Zeppelin!? This is unreal!! Can you imagine being in the room so close to
them? Crazy. 

nestor cardone says:
Samuel Vanegas says:

I notixed that bonzo doesnt use single or double rolls that much but when
he does it like in this song it sound awesome

tiemyshoes92 says:

The ovation they get in just one year after this… Just to think this is a
crowd NEW to LedZep. Oh how so lucky… I’ll never leave my baby. My Led
Zeppelin baby.

Jose Rene Aberasturi says:

the brightest of the sickest!

Irla Costa says:

Led Zeppelin – How Many More Times – Danmarks Rad…:

ultrakool says:

…lead guitar..jimmy page (plays smokestack lightning riff)

Charles Dupont says:


A. Ian Steward says:

And some people say that Page was a sloppy guitarist, and wasn’t as good
live as in the studio

Amanda Krause says:

I love the evidence here of what incredible musicians they really were
(are). The musical and visible communication here is excellent, especially
starting at 6:15 on. 

ruthiejable says:

When I was in my teens in the 70’s, I liked Led Zeppelin, but since I have
discovered the blues in the last decade, I LOVE them. This song is amazing
and all of the group are amazing musicians. What Robert Plant does with his
voice is genius. 

Marco Bosonin says:
Charleston .Chad says:

Some Led for your head….

Robert Smith says:

Hope is one of the best things

Chetski1000 says:

3:29 holy shit BONHAM!

Felipe Galante Zietlow says:


Panda says:

John fucking Bonham the king!

gagi meet says:

In the intro jimmy did a small part of a howlin wolf track!

John Dooling says:


shemata92 says:

1:05 “Man Bonzo with his cymballs drives me crazy maybe if I throw some
shurikens at him he will get the beat going… yep all went as planned”

Vinny Vincent says:

GREAT job on both the audio and video here. This shit should be put up for
an EMMY!!! Long Live Led Zepp

Victor Illario says:
Wisi Bollhalder says:

Yeah Bro

JDub McDook says:

When Robert rips in with ‘HOW MANY MORE TIMES?’ near the start I get chills
every time. Every fucking time.

ana maria rayon gonzales says:
Taskin Anmol says:

Led Zep were out of this world. Best band ever, period!!!

J La says:

This, right here, is my favorite piece of music I’ve ever heard.

519CZRacer says:

After a week of hearing about the latest crap from the so-called “genius”
Kanye West, there is nothing better than to hear real musicians at work!

Christian Mascart says:

Surper moçeaux et une très belle image vidéo . c’est plaisir de la regarder
à notre époque.

Vinny Vincent says:

How is this even humanly possible @ 3:47 , Jimmy Page fingers moving so
fast its a blur, without special effects? Are you kidding me? Then again
its Jimmy Page and this man is like no other when it comes to playing the

William Green says:


RaichuFan says:

Haha pinches locos.. Los adoro

kate chambers says:

Such raw talent. I love it. 

doug crawford says:

for many reasons this is a significant video . . . recording *)~

much thanks

Igor Radkov says:

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