Led Zeppelin 2012 720p

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Led Zeppelin— британская рок-группа, образовавшаяся в сентябре 1968 года в Лондоне, Англия, и признанная одной из самых успешных, новаторских и влиятельных в современной истории. Создав собственное звучание (для которого были характерны утяжелённый гитарный драйв, оглушающее звучание ритм-секции и пронзительный вокал, Led Zeppelin стали одной из ведущих групп хард-рока, сыграли основополагающую роль в становлении хэви метал, свободно интерпретируя фолк- и блюз-классику и обогащая стиль элементами других музыкальных жанров (рокабилли, рэгги, соул, фанка, кантри). Именно Led Zeppelin (согласно Allmusic), отказавшись от выпуска синглов, заложили основу понятия «альбомный рок».

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jjsiegal1 says:

LOL…man, they are nothing like they were in their prime…..BUT THEY
sound better than 99% of today’s Bands. I’ll listen these old men before i
would listen to most of the BS they call music today!

Dave Strand says:

I saw Zeppelin in 1969 when i was 14 years old , i hitch hike to Tampa with
my Nephew and his friend right through the worst part of town , but it was
worth it – was my first concert – Got my first guitar the next week and the
rest is history.

Shannon Fisher says:

Holy ‘SHIT’ first time listened to entire video. Been Zep fan from day 1.
Many times just layed in bed closed my eyes could feel Jason channeling
through his dad. Made those little hairs on the back of my neck tingle!
Could tell very few over dubs, been studio musician long time, played in
cover band many years. Will turn 61 in a few days, haven’t played in years,
this movie has inspired me to pick up the axe. Kudos guys wouldn’t have
expected anything less.
PS people behind stage unbelievable talent!!! Thanks to pure-adrenaline for

Dave McKenzie says:

I read these comments and shake my head. Of course Plant can’t hit the
highest notes. But his voice is just fine. And the beating Page gets–by
those who obviously don’t play guitar–is shameful. This senior citizen is
playing all the great songs–and playing them well! The fact that he
doesn’t have the speed or improvisational instincts he once had…big deal!
If you don’t want to see the masters of the 70’s decade, don’t watch. And
please–don’t comment.

Brien Lafata says:

Led Zeppelin 2012 720p: http://youtu.be/eHaqS3Ccc78

dondondoodle says:

The fact remains the same, Still, 40 years later, in their 70’s…. the
greatest rock n roll band ever, hands down!
To all of the negative commentators…….. Give respect where the respect
is due! Let’s see how hard your ass can rock at 70 years old! 60, 50,40, 30
hell non of ya could do it in your teens or 20’s so shut the hell up!
Disrespectful little shits! 

Trollmantha Trollington says:

one in every 10,000 people is a person with perfect pitch that can tell
when the song has been detuned. the rest of you are just going on hearsay.
Plant’s singing here is better than on many dates back in the 70s when he
constantly blew his voice out. And Jason would sound just like his father
if they would mic the drum kit properly.

Martynas Sklizmantas says:

Led Zeppelin ;)

Ray Sampson says:

This show had the absolute spectrum of musical giants in it’s
audience,,,,,Foo Fighters , Metallica, Ozzy, Heart, Bob Segar,
Godsmack,Rush, Simply Red, U2,Phil Collins,Kanye, and on and on….they
were there because it was a magical moment by a band that everyone in the
business loves for a serious reason. They are THE best in the business and
they deserve to be. This show is a must see for anyone that even thinks
they get the epitome of rock in its live state. Watch, enjoy and learn. You
wont be disappointed. These guys got it from day 1.

John Albert says:

If you do not use the rational mind, you are not using the one thing you
need to use to learn the truth and take the next step in evolution. Reason
is what we gained in our last step in evolution. It is what makes us
mankind. We now have to use it to take the next step and become spiritual
beings. Use it or lose it. Page 33 of the Present.

Read it online at www+truthcontest+com

steven jones says:

Oh for the love of god…everyone stop complaining that Robert can hit the
notes…Jimmy is rusty…John not the same and Jason is not his
father…love the music…this is probable the last time anyone will see
Led Zeppelin live…just listen to the music and enjoy it…its the last
time to see it live with the surviving members!!!

Ben Fitz says:

Justin beiber and taylor swift are so much better

CooManTunes says:

THEY ARE LOCKED IN THE GROOVE @ 38:25. Ladies and gents. This IS Led
Zeppelin. Page, Plant, Jones, Bonham. If they perform here in California
again, I’m going. Anybody who gets the word on tickets, please LET ME KNOW!

David F Homan says:

I love how they look at Jason like it is John he does his dad proud 

hk1aatu1 says:

I think all the nay sayers and young fucks just need to shut the fuck up. I
was skeptical when I clicked on this video, but I was pleasantly surprised
to hear the results.Yes,Plant doesn’t have the voice he had when he was
twenty fucking five years old and none of you young asshole critics will
either! Page was never a great soloist but he’s written some of the
greatest rock riffs of all time. For gentlemen over 60 these guys are
bridging it! I am astonished at the disrespect some of the posters are
leaving here. This is one of the greatest/biggest bands in the history of
rock music and once they’re gone, it’s all gone. You think ANY of the new
crop of bands is going to create the body work and a leave the lasting
historical musical presence that these guys have. Ain’t gonna happen! I’m
not a Zeppelin devotee by any stretch, but give the devil his due, these
guys sound great. My hats off to the lads from England!

Александр Глинский says:

Это всё брехня.
Не может быть.
Вас всех обманывают.
Такой музыки не бывает.

Mariela Perez says:

Muchas gracias por sus comentarios, yo lamentablemente no puedo hacer nada
dentro de mi pag Google+ no puedo comentar, no puedo compartir fotos…
estoy bloqueada., solo marco +1 Feliz tarde a todos ;)

Мик Ангел says:

Это-легенда,это становление наших музыкальных взглядов,нашего мировозрения
через совдеповское “низзя”,не положено.Эти “чуждые”аккорды визжащей гитары
вьелись в нашу кровь вместе с молоком наших матерей.Эта музыка-не лагерный
шансон,вещающий о какой-то мифической лагерной дружбе…Этот хард может
быть мощным тремоло.,а потом сменяется нежной музыкой баллад или блюзом
“чёрных гетто”. она -многогранна и остаётся всегда мелодичной и желанной!!!

Music Is Life says:

Ok! Ho “sguinzagliato” questo full live… spero non vi dispiaccia
se lo condivido con voi lol
Led Zeppelin 2012 720p
#celebrationday #ledzeppelin 

Jasmina G. says:


samdomding says:

Absolutely brilliant! Some things refuse to die.

Guillaume Llorca says:

Pas d’anciens, pas de “on dirait”, ils auraient pu… c’est pas comme
…Avant …
Gros son de concert, belle couleur de son, beaucoup d’émotions, de
justesse, de musique avec un grand M… de douceur et de bien être qui nous
Prenons plaisir à un tel moment, carpe diem..
.Profitez …
C’est Led Zeppelin sans âge, avec une musique qui ne vieillit pas et que je
souhaite être découverte par de plus en plus de plus jeunes

Bojo Mojo says:

This is what 15 years or rust sounds like. You can not sit around your
castle not playing for over a decade and expect to not sound awful.

ogrebattle22763 says:

концерт не был плох, но это было не очень хорошо также.

Leon Milk says:

PS You’re no musician if you think this nothing short of a masterclass. The
occasional fuckup included. It’s a 3 piece and a singer. Do better, and
I’ll eat my QWERTY 

HalfStepTheory says:

Jimmy has too many effects running. Still sounds great, but it’s a lot
different form the original.

Miguel Valdes says:

Muestra el ombligo ahora mariconazo…

No1willPlay says:

Was worried about Mr Page at first… miss original Bonham… JR is not

NappsterGamingHD says:

whats the song at 57 minutes

Игорь Иванов says:

Ай Спасибо, Володя!!!Конечно же, скачал себе. Нельзя мимо пройти!!!

Joe Zappa says:

One guy who got better and faster with age is Yngwie Malmsteen. Check out
his RELENTLESS CD from 2010. It smokes!

lapwiz says:

Page and an electronic engineer came up with the first delay pedal in
history. At the time Page was professional recording artist in London with
a great reputation. But he quit to pursue what is now know as hard rock, or
heavy metal. Led was the first heavy metal band in the history of Rock &

Jeffrey Snow says:

I was in the USAF 1969-1973 stationed in England. We never heard of Led
Zeppelin. A guy comes over from the states. He asks if we ever heard of Led
Zeppelin. No. I got back to the states and everybody was listening to Led
Zeppelin. I had no clue. One would think they would be popular in
England. Nope. They made it in the USA.

Sara Baack says:

Jason Bonham is really good! Must be strong genes in that family. 

mondovb says:

Not too bad for a trio of “semi-retired” ol’ geezers. And they seem to be
having a good time doing it, so more power to them. Definitely beats 98+%
of that over-produced and over-marketed crap with the ridiculous
hairstyles on the air nowadays…

rebecca lynne says:

Most original band ever, best band ever. Symphonies play their music! I
love it when Plant throws his head back and all his long blonde curls. 🙂
They invented hard rock. Though they play many other styles of music.

Sergio Caceres says:

Intro 0:00
Good Times Bad Times 1:43
Ramble on 4:53
Black Dog 10:30
In My Time Of Dying 16:30
For Your Life 27:31
Trampled Under Foot 34:30
Nobody’s Fault But Mine 42:15
No Quarter 48:43
Since I’ve Been Loving You 58:25
Dazed And Confused 1:06:25
Stairway to Heaven 1:18:30
The Song Remains The Same 1:27:30
Misty Mountain Hop 1:33:20
Kashmir 1:45:40
Wholw Lotta Love 1:49:30
Rock N’ Roll 1:56:30

Olga Andreyanova says:

Круто! Здорово! Драйвово! Не потеряли Цеппелины своих навыков и драйва, а
Плант тоже на высоте, голос сохранил! Вот это старички! Получила море
позитива! Как же я завидую тем, кто побывал на этом концерте!

Márcio Almeida says:

Karai muleki!! Esta banda fez a trilha sonora de minha vida! Muito foda!!

hussarII says:

Heavy Man! Say, check out my bass tribute video featuring John Paul Jones
and John Entwhistle. Click hussarII on the left here. Then: “The Day The
Bass Players Took Over”.

klaus frohböse says:

Und HEUTE!!!!!

Alejandra Riportella says:

Es impresionante este recital!! GRACIAS GRACIAS por subirlo!!! <3

Velikanov Dmitry says:

Великолепнейший звук! А как удивительно хорошо сохранился у 59-летнего
Планта его чистый и сильный голос! Вот это да!

JuanPlaysALL says:

Damn this sucks :/ I can’t believe robert and page are wearing clothes :/ I
wanted to se 80 year old rock gods old bellies hahaha xD jk 

Francesca Puzzovio says:

Buona domenica e buon ascolto…………..

Led Zeppelin 2012 720p: http://youtu.be/eHaqS3Ccc78

tg72211 says:

Strange they didn’t do anything from In Through the Out Door. Doing Fool
in the Rain for the first time would have been cool.

Josue Silva josueviolao says:

Shows_Shows_Shows_ …

Altri82 says:

I am here bacause of Simply Red

Philip Wang says:

if you wanna try to beat them…maybe in hell…they’re from outer space

Walkiria Braga says:

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