Kashmir – Led Zeppelin

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Kashmir by Led Zeppelin


Oh let the sun beat down upon my face, stars to fill my dream
I am a traveler of both time and space, to be where I have been
To sit with elders of the gentle race, this world has seldom seen
They talk of days for which they sit and wait and all will be revealed

Talk and song from tongues of lilting grace, whose sounds caress my ear
But not a word I heard could I relate, the story was quite clear
Oh, oh.

Oh, I been flying… mama, there aint no denyin
Ive been flying, aint no denyin, no denyin

All I see turns to brown, as the sun burns the ground
And my eyes fill with sand, as I scan this wasted land
Trying to find, trying to find where Ive been.

Oh, pilot of the storm who leaves no trace, like thoughts inside a dream
Heed the path that led me to that place, yellow desert stream
My shangri-la beneath the summer moon, I will return again
Sure as the dust that floats high in June, when movin through Kashmir

Oh, father of the four winds, fill my sails, across the sea of years
With no provision but an open face, along the straits of fear

When Im on, when Im on my way, yeah
When I see, when I see the way, you stay-yeah

Ooh, yeah-yeah, ooh, yeah-yeah, when Im down…
Ooh, yeah-yeah, ooh, yeah-yeah, well Im down, so down
Ooh, my baby, ooooh, my baby, let me take you there

Let me take you there. let me take you there

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Joseph Bellamy says:

You know, I really fucking try with this band

I’ve listened to every album of theirs from 1 to Coda. I’ve listened to
their live performances. I’ve listened to them on vinyl and digital. I’ve
listened to them on speakers and headphones. I must have listened to
Stairway to Heaven at least 40 times. Kashmir even more. I’ve read analysis
on their music. I’ve read a million positive reviews. Hell, I’ve even
listened to them while fucking high (new sounds my fucking ass)

Even despite all this, Led Zeppelin still get a meh reaction to me. I
seriously don’t get what’s so good about this fucking band. Aside from a
few songs, their lyrics are incredibly juvenile (You guys are fucking
hypocrites saying that all hip hop is about is money, sex, and drugs. Just
saying). Their vocalist is straight up unbearable at points. Stairway to
Heaven is an absolute nothingburger of a song. Their songwriting can be
incredibly bad at points (It’s not fucking abstract, it’s pretentious).
Other classic rock bands are literally better in every way (The Rolling
Stones anyone? Velvet Underground? King Crimson?). They’re just a mediocre,
dated band. Am I still missing something or am I just trying way too hard
to like this band?

johnnywebb says:

This an awesome song, possibly one of their greatest and they did have a
lot of great songs. Hard rock and metal guitarists enjoy playing Zepp, they
have interesting chord changes, odd tunings, time changes and often
difficult to play but rewarding. Plant wrote the book on hard rock vocals,
Page has 3 songs in possibly the top 20 of the rock era, Stairway, Kashmir,
Whole Lotta Love, +(Dazed & Confused, a brilliant Tour de force). Yes I was
young then but I don’t think the Led Zep hard rock songbook/body of work
will be surpassed by anyone in my lifetime. cheers.

Jonathan TooNerdyForU says:

In modern 2015,as many people are walking into work listening to Miley
Cyrus crap. Being raised listening to rock, I choose to listen to Led
Zeppelin, AC/DC, and many others. Pop has polluted the world with awful
music videos and much more. Some composers do reach very pleasing goals,
but nothing compared to what music there is made by Led Zeppelin. So rock
on, fans of the gods.

Belinda De Jongh says:

Yeaaah!!! Great song!! Love it!!

Andrea La Cava says:


Patricia Paredes says:


DarkPrincess 6 says:

Waking up listening to one of my favorites by Led Zeppelin

Valenyna Vale says:

Kashmir è il titolo di una celebre canzone del gruppo hard rock inglese Led
Zeppelin. Kashmir viene spesso considerata una delle canzoni di maggior
successo dei Led Zeppelin, e tutti e quattro i membri del gruppo furono
d’accordo nel definirla uno dei loro migliori lavori in campo musicale.
John Paul Jones affermò che il brano metteva in luce tutti gli elementi che
avevano contribuito a formare il sound dei Led Zeppelin, mentre Robert
Plant citò la canzone come una delle sue preferite. Plant scrisse il testo
nel 1973 mentre stava guidando attraverso il deserto del Sahara in Marocco,
nonostante la canzone parli di una regione montuosa (Kashmir, appunto) tra
il Pakistan settentrionale l’India e la Cina. Il titolo originale era
Driving to Kashmir.

Lilou Lilie says:

Kashmir – Led Zeppelin : https://youtu.be/sfR_HWMzgyc

John Lennon says:

*You should know about the website called “The Truth Contest” if you are a
truth seeker.*

Valenyna Vale says:

Kashmir è il titolo di una celebre canzone del gruppo hard rock inglese Led
Zeppelin. Kashmir viene spesso considerata una delle canzoni di maggior
successo dei Led Zeppelin, e tutti e quattro i membri del gruppo furono
d’accordo nel definirla uno dei loro migliori lavori in campo musicale.
John Paul Jones affermò che il brano metteva in luce tutti gli elementi che
avevano contribuito a formare il sound dei Led Zeppelin, mentre Robert
Plant citò la canzone come una delle sue preferite. Plant scrisse il testo
nel 1973 mentre stava guidando attraverso il deserto del Sahara in Marocco,
nonostante la canzone parli di una regione montuosa (Kashmir, appunto) tra
il Pakistan settentrionale l’India e la Cina. Il titolo originale era
Driving to Kashmir.

George Hubbard says:

Kashmir – Led Zeppelin: http://youtu.be/sfR_HWMzgyc

Marco Emanuele Scaglianti says:

Eccoli 45 anni fa il primo album!!

Bete Bueno says:

Bom fim d tarde para todos

Matt Shalvatis says:

*Kashmir – Led Zeppelin* – Song of the Day

♪ ♥ ☮ ♥ ♫ ♪♪ ♥ ☮ ♥ ♫ ♪

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#SongOfTheDay #SOTD #MusicMonday #Music #MusicVideo
#MCsotd <— Click for my previous songs of the day! #LedZeppelin #Rock #1970sMusic ★ W A N T M O R E music? ★ Add me to a circle! ★ Besides music, I also post photography, photo and photoshop tutorials, quotes, and travel ideas!

Aparecido Lourenco says:


BlackMamba Bryant says:

In my opinion the music doesn’t fit with the lyrics melody (no offense to
Led Zep’s fan )

P Stewart says:

Best band ever


Wicked to play on guitar!
I love this song..FANTASTIC!


Waldemar Radwan says:


Emerson R. says:

Led Zeppelin- Kashmir

Diana Norman says:
ELY R. says:

Kashmir – Led Zeppelin: Buon sabato pomeriggio a tutti voi amici e amiche
di tutto vero♥♡

Haleem Rockers says:

Kashmir – Led Zeppelin..: http://youtu.be/sfR_HWMzgyc :..Led Zeppelin –

Marek Popławski says:

to jest muzyka.

Tricia Davison says:

Kashmir – Led Zeppelin: http://youtu.be/sfR_HWMzgyc

Face Fighter says:

Okay fellas. Lets have a debate. Led Zeppelin or Queen?

Simon Wyatt says:

I love this song, but had to get my album out as the audio quality of this
video is dire :(

Emiliano Di Paola says:

Kashmir – Led Zeppelin: http://youtu.be/sfR_HWMzgyc

James Heartfield says:

Great live drums …

Paul Kruse says:

Kashmir – Led Zeppelin: http://youtu.be/sfR_HWMzgyc spinning some vinyl
thinking about +moon unit​ hope you are feeling better :)

José Paulo Domingues says:

Kashmir – Led Zeppelin: http://youtu.be/sfR_HWMzgyc

Agnese Felice says:


Kashmir – Led Zeppelin

Sun Shine says:

Kashmir – Led Zeppelin: https://youtu.be/sfR_HWMzgyc

Paula Gilliland says:

hello people are you out there…………..what do you think……….

Edward Tohora says:

: ))

Lorena Lopes Santana says:

I like that song.

ArlethJuliana PagePlantBonhamJones says:

I think this is the best song ever, in all the world, his acoustic
arrangements, the soft sound of the Page’s guitar, the hard drums of John
Bonham,the symbolic voice of Plant and the incredible bass of Jones, is all
you need for change the world.
Led Zeppelin, better than beatles, better than stones, even better than
Venacious D. <3
Viva Led Zeppelin!

freespeechForAdnoysSmallWanker says:

something weird has happened,
I went thru the 80’s getting away from these great songs, got into new
wave, then 90’s trance music, moved on and on – now it’s 2015 & there’s
so so much bad NEW music that i’m going back to these great tunes for some
deep lovely awesomeness . ain’t no denyin’

Fabiola Cicerchia says:
bad panther says:

Kashmir – Led Zeppelin: Buon sabato pomeriggio a tutti voi amici e amiche
di tutto vero♥♡

empbox says:

This is one of the ‘blue blood’ tracks that will echo throughout history.
Like or reply to become part of history!

Σοφία Μανωλοπούλου says:
Robert Bruce says:

I seriously do not get what people see in this song. It is so dull and
repetitive. Sure it sounds sort of cool the first time but I cannot take 8
minutes of a song that goes nowhere. 

Electric Jesus says:

Am I the only one who prefers this being sped up?

The Perfumed Garden says:

Led Zeppelin – Kashmir

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