Jimmy Page – The Making Of Led Zeppelin IV | Classic Rock Magazine

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Jimmy Page talks to Classic Rock Magazine about the making of Led Zeppelin IV!


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Classic Rock Magazine says:

Check out Jimmy Page talking about Led Zeppelin VI, and THAT Stairway To
Heaven solo!

Jimmy Page – The Making Of Led Zeppelin VI | Classic Rock Magazine

Classic Rock Magazine says:

Jimmy Page talking about the “orgasmic” Stairway To Heaven solo!
Jimmy Page – The Making Of Led Zeppelin VI | Classic Rock Magazine

Ron Bradford says:

Jimmy lives in the past so much, but i guess in Zep’s case its ok. Zep was
his baby, he formed it, he ended it and can obsess over it all he wants. I
do wish he wouldve released a bunch of other material over the years which
would give him other things to talk about

lsvtecb18c1 says:

I am so happy that Jimmy is willing to come out and do all these videos and
finally give us some insight into the mystique of Led Zeppelin that we all
wondered about. He knows Plant isn’t coming back for a reunion so he is out
doing his own thing and letting people in on the true brilliance that is
Led Zeppelin. I love all these interviews and re-releases of the first 5
albums that we have gotten. Jimmy Page is a living legend.

dbzwyoat says:

Why can’t he just admit that they were all fuckin stoned off their gords
when they wrote these songs

Felipe Marinho says:

Led Zeppelin is such an amazing band, I just love everything about them

Braxton Wise says:

Was I the only one that noticed the bump on Jimmies cheek?

School of Rock Wichita says:

Check out Jimmy Page talking about Led Zeppelin VI, and THAT Stairway To
Heaven solo!

Jimmy Page – The Making Of Led Zeppelin VI | Classic Rock Magazine

Stellar Rocker says:

”Well if it was tricky and it was hard work, that’s why we should be on it
– and do it.” The Jimmy approach to music that I so admire!

M Zach says:

I know Page was a heroin addict for a while, I’m guessing he must have
kicked that habit a long time ago, not sure if he went on methadone but if
he did, he’s clearly kicked that too. He looks good for 70….

Siddharth Mishra says:

Led Zeppelin IV, not VI.

School of Rock Saltillo says:

Check out Jimmy Page talking about Led Zeppelin VI, and THAT Stairway To
Heaven solo!

Jimmy Page – The Making Of Led Zeppelin VI | Classic Rock Magazine

Ken Dunn says:

When this album came out, Rolling Stone claimed that Jimmy Page had
basically stolen the entire solo for “Stairway” from a Jeff Beck song,
virtually note for note. I remember thinking at the time, Is Led Zeppelin
ever gonna sue Rolling Stone! But as far as I know, Zeppelin and Page never
denied it.

SchoolofRockUSA says:

Check out Jimmy Page talking about Led Zeppelin VI, and THAT Stairway To
Heaven solo!

Jimmy Page – The Making Of Led Zeppelin VI | Classic Rock Magazine

fernando Nandocle says:

Hoy al despertar una de las cosas que se me ocurrio hacer,fue el tocar mi
guitarra y practicar el solo de esta cancion..Si a mi me preguntaran que
cancion es de mis favoritas de siempre…tomandome el dedo de una de mis
manos contestaria: Stairway To Hevan by Led Zeppelin…Yo resumiria esta
cancion a una sola palabra ; MAGIA

semiLivedj says:

A true artist. A true artist influenced by really good drugs and good
looking women and the key to the world. Such a small price to pay to get
Zep 4

B Wigley says:

I love the wise silver haired Jimmy, , a giant of creativity, thank you for
all of your wonderful music sir, , Robert please do a few more shows, ,

mark s says:

Ritchie Blackmore disliked this video 

User Error says:

Ponderous, self-important, self-indulgent rock brought on the reaction that
was disco. The former should have been avoided to not make the latter the
natural result.

I blame this self-important musician for the evils of the reaction he
engendered. He should have taken about 1/10th of the drugs he did and made
better music. 

TheThinker39 says:

After decades of seeing Jimmy without hearing him speak, it was interesting
and nice to see and hear him talk about it.

TheZeldalink09 says:

I can’t believe Plant turned down $800 MILLION for a reunion. I’m too young
to have seen them play in their prime but if they did have another tour I’d
do everything in my power to go. Hopefully Plant will agree to a reunion

Jason Joseph says:

Check out Jimmy Page talking about Led Zeppelin VI, and THAT Stairway To
Heaven solo!

Jimmy Page – The Making Of Led Zeppelin VI | Classic Rock Magazine

Ben Salman says:

I’m not the only one who stared at the bubble in his cheek, right?

fernando Nandocle says:

Al verle la camisa a Jimmy Page,me provoco una sonrrisa para mis
adentros,Yo use una camisa con las mismas figuras y el mismo color
,recuerdo tambien donde la compre,fue en un departamento de ropa,una tienda
que estaba en el centro del pueblo..eran fines de los 60s o a principio de
los 70s..la buscare ! ja

Trulysarcastic44 says:

I always find it ironic that they were such a band in the sense that all
four were great players and all contributed, but yet it was also clearly
Jimmy’s band and directing their music.

Grendelmonster8u says:

I’m fascinated that people can work that board behind him. Being an
engineer is hard work. John Bonham is quoted as saying how their engineer
made him sound so much better on the records. 

Ken Bloesch says:

A good interview with in depth details for the making of this album.

Led Zeppelin is the number one rock and roll band of all time and with the
number one song.

A life-long fan in Cupertino, CA USA

youlikethisusername says:

I hate Stairway.

R.I.P mbah tonk says:

Check out Jimmy Page talking about Led Zeppelin VI, and THAT Stairway To
Heaven solo!

Jimmy Page – The Making Of Led Zeppelin VI | Classic Rock Magazine

hino823 says:

stairway 2 heaven OR hotel california… which is better

Oliver Patrick Loughnan says:

Great to see 

Tim Cheatle says:

Awesome Re-master :)

SevenSinsChoppers says:


francisp-c says:

That mobile truck got around!

александр Анда says:

Check out Jimmy Page talking about Led Zeppelin VI, and THAT Stairway To
Heaven solo!

Jimmy Page – The Making Of Led Zeppelin VI | Classic Rock Magazine

Эмиль Юсупов says:
Kim Deleon says:

The Making of IV @ Headley Grange.

coltsuperocean10 says:

Jimmy “It was substantial work” bit of an under estimate. 23 million sold,
that`s incredible. Best band ever IMHO 

kneapoe51 says:

One of the all-time greats. Seems like a good dude, too. Great stuff. :)

Keith Godfrey says:

43 years ago today 8 Nov 1971 Led Zeppelin IV was released. What was your
favorite song from that album?
Black Dog, Rock and Roll, Stairway to Heaven, Misty Mountain Hop ,Going to
California or When the Levee Breaks?
#ledzeppelin #happyanniversary #classicrock #rockmusic #jimmypage
#robertplant #johnbonham #johnpauljones #classicrockmagazine 

Guillermo Dector Guitar Man. says:

Echa un vistazo a este vídeo en YouTube: Jimmy Page. The Making Of Led
Zeppelin IV.

Im Devy says:

Best of all time.

michael fowler says:
Artur Rebajn says:
David Thompson says:
Deep purple Rocker says:

Prefer solo on child in time personally.

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