Jimmy Fallon & Robert Plant Form 2-Man Doo-Wop Group Using iPad App

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Jimmy and Robert Plant loop their voices on an iPad app to form a 2-man doo-wop group — singing the classic song “Duke of Earl” by Gene Chandler.
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SoCloseToToast says:

Why am I so giddy watching this?

cottoncandydiva says:

ah come on, Jimmy! With that voice, I can’t believe you haven’t released a
non-comedy music album yet! You know everyone will buy it…

Brad Nykorak says:

Love Robert Plant. Zeppelin will never die. 

Jason Redol says:

Jimmy should do either Earth Angel or Stand By Me next.

Are U Super Cereal says:

Robert Plant + Jimmy Fallon = Legendary Material :D

North Maan says:

That man is brave singing in front of THE LEGEND…..

Caesar Sterling says:

i love jimmy fallon with all these things he do with his guest but why is
he always awkward when talking to his guest it’s been 4 years he’s hosting

the trueparadisecity says:

You gotta do more Doo Wop segments their gold! Love this one and the one
with Billy Joel :)

Occult Priestess says:

My Favorite Kind of Plant? ROBERT! 

Stefan Held says:

This one is for +Caroline Chiasson

Bon Scott says:

What is the name of the app please ?

marcelstjean says:

right on.

Bring Back Grunge says:

I’m gonna guess hashtag WhoIsRobertPlant started trending after this came

Fuckin millennials.

John Getchel says:

This is just so awesome!

WwWWWwwwWwWwWwwwwww says:

it would be sick if he did dy’er mak’er by making a beat like that

DaddyTV says:

Who knew jimmy could sing

Nintyskid90 says:

You’re damn sexy Jimmy!

Cover girl says:


matthew rappaport says:

Got Robert Plant?

Miss Dawn says:


alan chiang says:

很棒的歌聲 !
使用 http://loopyapp.com/ app 軟體

Bucho Vids says:


Terry Kane says:

i have that app,its fun .

Vishal Gupta says:

Robert Plant, you will always be loved. You and your contemporaries. 🙂 

snowfish1121 says:

Ohhh, what I wouldn’t give to be hanging out, dicking around with an ipad
with Robert Plant! 

Rolling Ormond says:

How come Plant didn’t put his name in the credits for Duke of Earl like he
and Page did for all those blues artists they raped of credit in the 60’s
and ’70s?

Trolleo McTroll says:

this was awesome! I still think the fallon/ billy Joel one is the best

Cd Martel says:

That was really fun to watch!

Murray Melander says:

The joy on Jimmy’s face tells it all. Living out his dreams.

Documentary Films says:

Like if this clip gave you goosebumps!

Charles Harris says:

Tha ’twas great!!

Carlos Padín says:

Jimmy Fallon & Robert Plant Form 2-Man Doo-Wop Group +Jimmy Fallon +The
Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

Ron Shalita says:

I HAD NO IDEA JIMMY WAS SO MUSICAL! oops sorry bout the caps… guess i got
kinda excited!

Rudolf Vizi says:

The end is soo hilarious….madman with microphone:)

Kevin Bliss says:

Better when you did this with Billy Joel

Liam Kharem says:


Eric Lazar says:
William O'Dell says:

Holy mackerel! That was AWESOME!!!!

Dazed AndConfused says:

Plant’s laugh is epic

kevin martin says:

Robert Plant is so freaking smooth.

MisterRicky007 says:

this poor fuck should have retired a lifetime ago. What an embarrassment

Jared Oberhaus says:

This is special, when you get to sing with Robert Plant.

Alaina Rhodes says:

If you like Robert Plant in Zeppelin, I have a surprise for you. Look up
the Honey Drippers 

siletsahar says:


Mark Halston says:

Plant’s falsetto here–at age 64–is incredible. He truly is one of the
best vocalists in rock history.

P.S.: I completely agree with his characterization of the band: THEY ARE

Mason Taylor says:

watching this at home i still applauded at the end. Long live Zepplin!

pukeyourguts says:

this was actually so cool!

xoxoxo547 says:

The look on Jimmy’s face at 2:35 when Robert starts singing is priceless 

kujal4 says:

I know Jimmy Fallon is very much about his guests but my god Jimmy, you are
a born artist in your own right and so amazingly humble with it too.
We know we’re going to see a great star in every one of your shows you
present – basically because you’re guaranteed to be in it. – stay true
Jimmy – growing up imagining there could be a host as good as you was
unimaginable and yet there you are.

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