Jack White And Robert Plant 2015 !!

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LIVE: Lollapalooza 2015

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  • Categories: robert plant


Lawrence Bader says:

95% of the crowd: “Wow. Willie Nelson can sing pretty good.”

humbledb4jesus says:

Anyone who still thinks Robert doesn’t have it – you can go to the back of
the line…..

Bruce Garrison says:

When life gives you lemons, make a Lemon Song.

That Guy Vinny says:

i think jack white could pull off doing leads in Zeppelin.

Stabby Raccoon says:

Jack’s lead guitar skills are insufficient to play this song

Rick Brister says:

Love this!! Jack White ranks in the top 100 performers of all time.
Robert Plant knows it. Jimmy Page knows it. Paul McCartney knows it. The
Edge knows it. If you don’t know it, you probably shouldn’t comment.

Zachary LaMountain says:

Did Plant say Jack Black at the end?

La X Más Música says:

Escuche ‘The Lemon Song’ de Led Zeppelin, interpretada en el Lollapalooza
Argentina por Jack White and Robert Plant:

Slimee says:

Plant doesnt have the voice anymore, honestly that performance was a
trainwreck 🙁 On paper it seems like the perfect match but everything
about this performance sucked.

neotripper says:

I know people give the “Beetles” a lot of credit where such bands like
Zeppelin, The Who, and many others took lesson, but in my opinion “true”
rock started with Zeppelin. The group managed to push voice, rhythm, and
beat in a direction that spawned true “Heavy Metal.” Just my opinion as
the whole package. There were many great rock bands from the 60’s up but
hard rock only had a small presence and Zeppelin put it on a bigger stage
than anyone.

dynosaur says:

Almost unrecognizable. So much so that it sounds like a new song.

12kfh says:

Umm… that’s Dean Fertita of QOTSA right stage! :)

CasaDeAgua says:

No he podido quitarles los ojos de encima… ¡gracias por compartir!

James Rovira says:

Is it me, or are the sound levels on this video a bit low? I can listen
just fine on my earbuds, but I can’t really crank it up.

And it’s great :). Looks right Robert Plant got his way.

tjmorgan1962 says:

Finally Jack White gets to meet one of the Other Led Zeppelin members
(Robert Plant!). AND then gets to share the stage…..What do you think of
that Jimmy Page?!!!!!!

Наталия Мельникова says:

пардоньте, плз, за “никакой” звук


Electric Guitar says:
lowlypeasant says:

Robert really shouldn’t be singing those songs anymore. 

Buscoso Cuarentaydos says:


Alejandro González says:

Gracias a la página de facebook “Los recitales andan diciendo” por traerme

Pierre LEMASSON says:

[video] #Musique Jack White & Robert Plant play Led Zeppelin’s ‘The Lemon


Carlos Bastidas says:

Jack White y Robert Plant en concierto con *The Lemon Song*

Fangalatic says:

A professionally recorded concert, and all the fucktards missing the moment
holding a mobile phone over their heads. What a fucking plague.

Jezebel Skeptic says:
Daniel Iserhard says:

Aí sim. LED

Dean Guidici says:

Lemon songJack White And Robert Plant 2015 !!: https://youtu.be/UeItSpR2134

David Orman says:

Plant will play Zep material with an average guitarist but does not want to
play with Jimmy Page, the world’s greatest. Hypocritical and puzzling.

Zabba Doo says:

People these days celebrate and accept mediocrity. They don’t know any

albastru indigo says:
nomopms1 says:

I have a mad crush on Plant, but who the heck is Jack White?? :D

Christophe Bernard says:
Nanny Wolfe says:

plant rules!

qwertyuiopsdfgh says:

Jack White looks like he takes a shit once a week.

GustafGouda says:

Put your fucking smartphone down. Who needs 500 videos of the same

Mista.Media says:

My golden god and my alt god share the stage. Doesn’t get much better than

Im Devy says:

So he can do this but he wont do a final farewell tour. Shame on you

atank says:

I should have quit you……………….baby a long time ago!

Emile Lambert says:
Paramjit Atwal says:

Plant looks like a fucking boss on stage.

Todd Fabrizi says:

Whoa! just Whoa!!!

Scott L says:

Jack White has been eating a few too many cheesy poofs.

Wayra Ninayux says:

Estamos siendo muy duros con Robert: Creo que para ser una canción grabada
hace 46 años, y habiéndola cantando en la tonalidad original, esta versión
es más que digna / We’re being too hard on Robert : I think that to be a
song recorded 46 years ago , and, having singing in the original key , this
version is more than worthy

Callsign: JoNay says:

Bandicam? Lol. So which site was this originally recorded from?

Belen Alarcon says:
Free Bass says:


Lemon Song is a Jones showpiece, without him White might as well sing &
Plant play kazoo

Artur Rebajn says:

【 キタァーーーーーー!! ‘Lemon Song’ ♪ 】
ヤッパリネ! いい素材があると、こうなるんだよね!ロバートは。。。…

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