Chris Cornell – Thank You (Cover Led Zeppelin) Unplugged In Sweden

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Cover de Led Zeppelin del Unplugged In Sweden.


Shane McInitire says:

He truly is incredible. His take on this song is moving, I once heard his
voice referred to as an “echo of the soul” and this performance proves it.

John Casey says:

I’m a big “Z” fan, but I gotta say I like this better than the original.

Ralph Colston says:
Paul Cooper says:

Sounds like a street busker / pub karaoke effort to me. 20p for the hat

Ralph Colston says:
Wanda Frota says:
SILVIA LETICIA Barbosa says:


Имена ми мога Јована says:

Thank You! Perfect! Stunning! A big applause!

Steve Flanagan says:

Un fucking believable

brianne gillyard says:

i just tripped back 35 years,

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