Black Dog Alison Krauss Robert Plant

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Alison Krauss Robert Plant Black Dog

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  • Categories: robert plant


Stig Blomqvist says:

Blues med lite Jazz och Country inslag är bara för underbar. Robert Plant
och Alison Krauss framför Led Zeppelin´s låt Black Dog på ett helt nytt

Gord Birch says:

amazing version, with T Bone Burnett and his band.

Александр Владимирович says:

Black Dog – Alison Krauss #RobertPlant

Jofer 59 says:

Black Dog Alison Krauss Robert Plant:

gérald l. says:

Pour les connaisseurs !
une version impressionnante de Black Dog

+Bernard Hortala +olivier olivier votre avis ??

Juan Gonzalez says:

I could see Jack White joining them, what about that power trio huh?

Pat Hillman says:

amazing version, with T Bone Burnett and his band.

Ron Wilson says:

Robert Plant still has it. Amazing

Marcelo Fraigola says:

Black Dog Alison Krauss Robert Plant:

Montgomery D'Arcy says:

Wonderful version.

SpiderWayne says:

So weird, when it started I didn’t like it but I couldn’t click away… as
it went on I now like it. VERY COOL!

David Bergin says:

Jimmy Page is my rock hero and I love Zeppelin, but this is great!

Надежда Петрова says:


Richard Shapiro says:

so he can do LZ songs with a banjo but he won’t do a tour with pagey and
paul? come on man, stop messin. around…

Jill Shaw says:

I keep coming back to this video ! So HOT!!!

Terri Lynn says:

I really just have to play this again. Just cuz I’m a lil buzzed & happy
with my #SecondLife builds tonight…

Burt May says:

Have you heard this version of Black Dog? Awesome! 

Johnny Cooper says:

Luv it…….

BarryDennen12 says:

Her boots need a good spunking on them

jimmy5634 says:

Had the same reaction as Spider Wayne, but I kept listening and got hooked.

victor iglesias says:

Black Dog Alison Krauss Robert Plant:

UngarnSternberg says:

Sorry but Alison is too good for this…

Tony Beggs says:

Black Dog Alison Krauss Robert Plant:

ロドリゴロドリゲス says:

Robert Plant & Alison Krauss “Black Dog”

jon dough says:

D’yer Maker, Percy ?

Cal Mett says:

you can’t kill a great song but you can add on….very sweet!

Javier Lazbal says:

Robert Plant: la voz del rock´n roll de todos los tiempos, y qué dúo hace
con Alison, grandes voces.

ron schild says:

Lucky he can always suck up to super stars to make him look good. Old fart
doesn’t realize his voice is GONE.

mewskicat says:

Very interesting rendition.. nice change up :)

John Nears says:

Take a look at this video on YouTube:

Im Devy says:

This is a cool idea but it ruins the song imo

Bruce Nelson says:

Cool, cool, cool, sexy & cooool! What a brilliant alternative arrangement
of a classic!

Nickolay Gonchar says:

Love it!Thanks!

Ingrid Hart says:

…creativity abounds with this fresh version of Black Dog…

Leuris Beltre says:
Kathi T says:

TBone Burnett proved himself a genius yet again by introducing Allison and

iago68 says:

hated it when clapton did it to his music; seriously dislike this

IGORLAVR64 says:

Гавно. Пой!

VengefulSage says:

I went to see Robert Plant at Ravinia near Chicago. I LOVE when he does
these old Zeppelin songs nice and slow and just completely zoned out feel.
He did that when I saw him. Amazing.

Manuel Cordero Sánchez says:


Toni Francis says:

fantastic duo!

Terri Lynn says:
Felis Chaus says:

Acid Rock Artist + Folk Country Artist = CANNOT… TURN… AWAY… MUST

Martina Rosen says:

Thank you so much for sharing! Love this!

xeokym says:

What I don’t understand is why Plant is so reluctant to get back together
as “Led Zeppelin,” but he will do Zep songs all the time with other
musicians. Jimmy & JPJ always express interest in reuniting & it’s always
Plant reluctant to concede to anything. I can understand if he’s afraid if
he does one LZ performance that fans will want more, or people will expect
a new LZ album, which I know he afraid that will be expected of him…but
still, to see him do Led Zep songs all the time, with everyone *BUT* Led
Zep, it’s *really* fucking frustrating annoying…

Janet Robinette says:

Aw Yeah…

Nile Petersen says:

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