Led Zeppelin – Physical Graffiti – Kashmir

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Adamo Gonzo says:

Ecco…….. +Mat Mat-ina besos by Ada

M Angel says:

This is the walk up song for Philadephia Phillies, 2B Chase Utley. I
remember hearing it long ago and it brought back great memories. Sounds
sort of Egyptian. I do like it a lot.

Paul. TheEightiesLuvr. says:

This swan song is so Bad ass it is unreal ! Off of 1975’s Physical
Graffiti,…*Kasmir* ! 

Raelspark says:

Happy 40th anniv today !!!!

Kevin J. Stoll says:

……I have to play this one…..

Julio Neguev says:

sou um viajante do tempo e do espaco

Stanley Morris says:

What I’m listening to #ledzeppelin #rock #music
_Stairway to Heaven is iconic, but I like this one.

Douglas Titton says:

Led Zeppelin – Physical Graffiti – Kashmir: https://youtu.be/bmKd1Bii0Lc

Sick Boy says:

Il n y a rien a ajouter a Kashmir
Elle est parfaite
Merci Led Zeppelin

Robert Rixey says:


David Lamberson says:

Must have been when I was younger.

edwah joshua says:

Yeah but Jesus who had no sin in His Blood giving Himself a sacrifice for
the sins of the world, that God would raise Him from the dead and justify
all them who believe in HIs sacrifice, unto life,eternal life, John 3:16,
Romans 4:25, Romans 10:9-10, 1Corinthians 15:3-4

Lydie joseph says:
DPS670950 says:

This is so-o-o fun to play, once you get a hang on all the breaks. Tasty

Giovani Villa says:

Physical Graffiti es el nombre del sexto álbum de estudio (álbum doble) de
la banda británica Led Zeppelin. Fue publicado el 24 de febrero de 1975,
siendo la primera publicación del grupo con su propio sello, denominado
Swan Song Records. Se ha convertido, con 15 millones de copias vendidas, en
el séptimo álbum con más ventas de los años 1970.
Salió al mercado casi dos años después de Houses of the Holy, publicado el
28 de marzo de 1973 y despejó, si las había, las dudas sobre la entidad de
este grupo de rock. Es el segundo álbum más vendido de la banda, tras Led
Zeppelin IV.
Led Zeppelin colocó simultáneamente este disco en el primer puesto de las
listas estadounidenses y británicas y, poco después, sus seis discos
publicados estuvieron de forma simultánea en la lista de los 200 mejores
álbumes, algo que nunca antes había sucedido.
Se trata de su primer álbum doble. Varias de las canciones del disco, sobre
todo Kashmir e In My Time Of Dying (que recuerda las prolongadas canciones
de blues que grabaron en sus comienzos), se convirtieron en indispensables
en los conciertos. Por todo el disco se pueden ver tonos funky en la
composición rock, como en Trampled Under Foot.
En su gira británica tuvieron una serie de cinco actuaciones en el estadio
Earl’s Court de Londres, con capacidad para 21.000 personas.

Manuel BeerMan Escobar says:
Steven Conklin says:
Alejandro Sánchez de la Rosa says:

Physical Graffiti is the sixth studio album by the English rock band Led
Zeppelin, released on 24 February 1975 as a double album two years after
the album Houses of the Holy. The band wrote and recorded eight songs at
Headley Grange which, when combined, stretched the album beyond the typical
length of an LP. This prompted the band to make Physical Graffiti a double
album by including previously unreleased tracks from earlier recording
sessions. “Physical Graffiti” was Led Zeppelin’s second most commercially
successful release, selling eight million copies in the United States
Physical Graffiti was commercially and critically successful; the album
went 16x platinum in the US in 2006, signifying shipments of eight million

Alejandro Sánchez de la Rosa says:

Physical Graffiti is the sixth studio album by the English rock band Led
Zeppelin, released on 24 February 1975 as a double album two years after
the album Houses of the Holy. The band wrote and recorded eight songs at
Headley Grange which, when combined, stretched the album beyond the typical
length of an LP. This prompted the band to make Physical Graffiti a double
album by including previously unreleased tracks from earlier recording
sessions. “Physical Graffiti” was Led Zeppelin’s second most commercially
successful release, selling eight million copies in the United States
Physical Graffiti was commercially and critically successful; the album
went 16x platinum in the US in 2006, signifying shipments of eight million

MyOldPiano caPcom says:

hd version doesn’t sound as good to me. interesting.

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