Ramble On – John Paul Jones – Isolated Bass track

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Found this isolated bass track on YouTube.
John Paul Jones isolated bass track from “Ramble On” from the Led Zeppelin II.

I had a blast transcribing this awesome track from JPJ, which is, IMHO, one of some of his best work along with all of the other tracks on this album. You can hear how precise his sixteenth notes are. How tight his playing is. So It was easy to come up with a pretty accurate bass transcription/Tab of John Paul Jones’s performance. You can check out my transcription in standard notation & tab at

No Copyright infringement intended.


Ashley Beckner says:

That’s the way every bass should be played. I wish more bass players would
unlock the bass’s potential like John Paul Jones did. One of the best
bassists of all time. And Ramble On is just perfection. Zeppelin was a hell
of a band.

Mat Mat-ina says:

Buon compleanno a John Paul Jones bassista dei mitici Led Zeppelin nato il
3 gennaio 1946.

Ramble On – John Paul Jones – Isolated Bass track:

A. Smith says:

Yes, JPJ has said he was influenced by Duck Dunn and Jamerson.

jsilence418 says:

Lovely Bass lines, thanks for posting

Cynthia Brown says:

Just feel this man!

Janneke Goossens says:

That’s my boy Jonesy ❤❤

Fuzzy Alpaca says:


Tamara Neumann says:

Happy Birthday Jonsey 

Cynthia Brown says:

Feel this deep!

Thomas Pfaff says:


keeelane says:

am i high or does this sound a lot like motowny james jamerson stuff?

SisterSarann says:

Thank you, I shared:)

Play Bass Lines says:

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