Led Zeppelin Lord of the Rings Battle of Evermore AMV

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Andrew Young says:

I can see the correlation. Pretty good! 

Andrew Young says:

This gave me goose bumps.

mjespinosa4452 says:

Wow! This is awesome, good job, best one I’ve seen so far.

Pedro Uribe says:

otros que quedan muy bien

Courtney Zyber says:

Yet Another mashup of Battle of Evermore with LOTR.
Bobbi Jo got to see a real good mashup, 2 years ago, that is long gone…..
some1 should post that again…..

Shane Corning says:

Yet Another mashup of Battle of Evermore with LOTR.
Bobbi Jo got to see a real good mashup, 2 years ago, that is long gone…..
some1 should post that again…..

Sekishokudo says:

3rd comment sweet!!!!

Baldur .L says:

exept from the clips not following the lyrics. Thanks.

Sarah Carlson says:

i like lord of the rings and the song

Sordidi Tenebrae says:

~mind blown~ (>*0*)>

Ahsan Haider says:

Far out! Well done you really took a lot of effort to match the lyrics to
the scenes! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!

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